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发布时间:2018-01-25 23:23

  本文关键词: 人事档案 数据库建模 档案管理 面向对象 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:一个设计良好、有效的人事档案管理系统,不但可以提高人事档案管理工作的效率,还可以协助管理者更好地完成人力资源规划。因此,利用计算机开发遵义师范学院人事档案管理系统是发展的必然趋势。 文章介绍了遵义师范学院人事档案管理系统的研究背景、研究与应用现状,采用了面向对象的开发技术完成了遵义师范学院人事档案管理系统的需求分析,包括业务分析、功能分析和数据分析。在业务分析中,对系统存在的问题、组织机构、原有业务流程等进行了分析,给出了改造后的业务流程;在功能分析中,通过用例分析和用例规约,明确了系统的功能,给出了系统的总体功能包图和子功能包图,包括人员信息管理、合同管理、档案异动管理、档案管理和系统管理等子包图;在数据分析中,对系统各功能的所需要处理的数据进行了分析,给出了实体类关系图,建立了数据库表结构。
[Abstract]:A well-designed and effective personnel records management system can not only improve the efficiency of personnel records management, but also help managers to better complete human resources planning. It is an inevitable trend to develop personnel file management system of Zunyi Teachers College by computer. This paper introduces the research background, research and application status of personnel file management system in Zunyi normal University, and completes the requirement analysis of personnel file management system of Zunyi normal University by using object-oriented development technology. Including business analysis, function analysis and data analysis. In the business analysis, the existing problems of the system, organization and original business process are analyzed, and the revamped business process is given. In function analysis, through use case analysis and use case specification, the function of the system is clarified, and the overall function package diagram and sub-function package diagram of the system are given, including personnel information management, contract management, file transaction management. File management and system management sub-package diagram; In the data analysis, the data needed to be processed by each function of the system are analyzed, the entity class diagram is given, and the database table structure is established.


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