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发布时间:2018-01-26 00:37

  本文关键词: 大学生 民族精神 红色文化 培育 出处:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:红色文化是中国共产党带领全国人民在反帝反封建斗争与社会主义现代化建设过程中形成的优秀的中华民族思想结晶,他与时俱进,锐意进取,不断实现自我创新,以更新的理论影响着国人的思想与行为。 本文从红色文化与民族精神内在关系出发,重点阐述井冈山精神,延安精神,长征精神,雷锋精神以及当代人本精神,科学发展理念等红色文化内涵对大学生民族精神培育的重要意义与作用。文章分析当代大学生民族精神状况及普遍存在的问题,即大学生对民族精神内涵把握不准;普遍不愿吃苦、缺乏信念;主观意识浓重,思想不成熟;个人主义较强烈,行为容易出现偏差。进而提出改进建议:国家宏观引导,政府有效推进;高校整合资源,占领培育新高地;社会广泛动员,多元渠道促发展。
[Abstract]:Red culture is an excellent ideological crystallization of the Chinese nation formed in the process of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle and socialist modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Constantly realize self-innovation and influence people's thought and behavior with updated theory. Starting from the internal relationship between red culture and national spirit, this paper focuses on the Jinggangshan spirit, Yan'an spirit, long March spirit, Lei Feng spirit and the spirit of contemporary people. The significance and effect of the red cultural connotation on the cultivation of the national spirit of college students. This paper analyzes the national spirit of contemporary college students and the existing problems. That is, college students can not grasp the connotation of national spirit; The general reluctance to suffer, lack of faith; The subjective consciousness is heavy, the thought is not mature; Individualism is stronger, and the behavior is prone to deviate. Further, suggestions for improvement are put forward: the national macro-guidance, the effective promotion of the government; Colleges and universities to integrate resources, occupy the cultivation of new heights; Social mobilization, multiple channels for development.


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