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发布时间:2018-01-30 14:29

  本文关键词: 云南 古代 书院 历史研究 出处:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在中国古代教育史上,书院的出现是官学下移、私学兴盛的必然,也是朝代更替、社会动乱时期学子秉烛夜读、谈诗论词的世外桃源。书院诞生、兴盛的唐宋时期,已纳入中国版图的云南正处于南诏国、大理国的地方割据时期。因此,云南书院的起步远远晚于中原地区。 公元1253年,元世祖忽必烈灭大理国、平定云南,1274年设置了云南行中书省。蒙古政权崇敬儒学,儒家正统思想迅速在全国广泛传播,建文庙、兴学校的优良文风催生了云南唯一一所书院。明代以后,云南的汉族人口逐渐超过了少数民族,多民族经济与文化的不断交流、云南与中原地区的文化融合,使得云南的教育得到一定的发展。明代云南新建书院达67所,覆盖全省五个地级市和三个少数民族自治州。有着深厚历史文化底蕴的大理地域新建书院数目众多,引领着全省书院的发展。清代云南的书院发展曲折,清初顺治时期的限制至康雍盛世的大量兴建形成鲜明的对比。云南古代书院发展至清一代时已较为成熟,有明确的办学思想、完备的学制规定、严格的山长遴选标准、规整的经费管理、全面的书籍典藏和详细的学规管理,致使大理、昆明等地的书院发展迅猛。较为著名的书院主要有昆明的五华书院和经正书院,,巨儒名匠担任山长,培养了众多优秀的高材生,他们为云南地方史、文化史和教育史的发展做出了杰出的贡献。 本论文以云南元明清三代的书院为研究对象,对书院的起源、发展、兴衰进行历史梳理,呈现云南书院历史的全貌;依托书院研究、教育史研究和云南教育史这三大理论基础,力求从其中剥离云南古代书院的相关信息;以文献研究法、计量史学、微观史学等研究方法为技术途径,对云南古代书院的地域分布、创设时间等进行分析,形成具有一定参考意义的研究结论。 全文分为六个部分: 第一部分:绪论。主要说明选题缘由、研究目的和意义;基于书院史、地方史两种视角下进行文献综述并得出一定的评述;界定研究基本概念、梳理研究内容框架和思路方法,并对研究进行自我评价。 第二部分:云南古代书院的历史概况。对云南古代书院的数量统计、地域分布和发展始末进行了概述和微观分析。其中,对云南元明清三代书院进行了历史考证,并形成《云南古代书院一览表》等研究成果。 第三部分:明代云南书院。阐述云南明代教育基本现状,呈现明代书院的发展概貌,详晰明代云南书院的创设时间、空间分布特点,并描绘书院的发展轨迹及创设性质。 第四部分:清代云南书院。展现清代云南书院的蓬勃兴盛,对清代书院的时空分布特色、发展轨迹和创设性质进行阐述,并与明代云南书院的相关情况作比对,形成比较研究。 第五部分:云南古代书院的教育特点。以教学特点和管理特点两大维度来重新审视云南古代书院,借以五华书院、经正书院及大理地域著名书院等史料实例,揭示云南古代书院的教育特点。 第六部分:结论与启示。对本论文基本研究成果的小结,言简意赅的归整云南古代书院历史研究的基本结论,并得出主要的启示。
[Abstract]:In the education history of ancient China, college is the emergence of the decline of official school, the prosperity of private schools is inevitable, the dynasty, social unrest during the period of students reading by talking. The birth of prosperous land of idyllic Beauty Academy, Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese has been incorporated into the territory of Yunnan is in Nanzhao, Dali's local separatist period. Therefore, Yunnan academy started much later than the Central Plains region.
In 1253, Kublai Khan Dali, Pingding Yunnan, 1274 to set up a Yunnan executive Secretariat. Mongolia's revered Confucianism, Confucian orthodoxy quickly built Confucious'temple in the country widely spread, excellent style Xing school gave birth to Yunnan only one college. In the Ming Dynasty, the Han population in Yunnan more than a minority the continuous exchange of national, economic and cultural, cultural integration of Yunnan and the Central Plains, the Yunnan education developed in Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty. The new academy reached 67, covering the province's five cities and three minority autonomous prefecture. There is a deep historical and cultural heritage of the Dali region of new college number leading the development of the province's College in Yunnan in the Qing Dynasty. The development of twists and turns, the beginning of the Qing Dynasty Shunzhi period restrictions to the construction of a large number of Kang Yong Sheng in stark contrast to the Qing Yunnan ancient academy development. A generation has been more mature, there is a clear School of thought, complete academic requirements, strict mountain long selection criteria, funds management regular, comprehensive and detailed books collection management regulations, resulting in Dali, Kunming and other places of the college. The rapid development of the more famous academies to Kunming and Wuhua college after being college, Confucianism as the mountain giant master student training, many excellent, they are the local history of Yunnan, has made outstanding contributions to the development of cultural history and the history of education.
This paper takes Yunnan Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties three generation college as the research object, the origin of the development of academies, and sort of history, showing the history of Yunnan College; relying on academy research, the study of educational history and the history of education in Yunnan the three major theoretical basis, from which the relevant information to stripping Yunnan ancient academy to study literature; method of measuring historiography, micro history research methods such as technical ways, distribution of ancient colleges in Yunnan area, analyzes the creation time, form the research result is of certain reference.
The full text is divided into six parts:
The first part: introduction. Mainly explains the significance of the topic, the research purpose and significance; based on the history of academy, two kinds of local history from the perspective of the literature review and some comments that define the basic concepts; research study, content framework and methods, and the study on self evaluation.
The second part: the history of the Yunnan ancient academy. The number of statistics of Yunnan ancient academy, geographical distribution and development process are summarized and the microscopic analysis. Among them, the Yunnan Academy of Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties three generations of history research, and the formation of "ancient colleges in Yunnan list > and other research results.
The third part: Yunnan Academy in Ming Dynasty. It expounds the basic situation of Ming Dynasty Education in Yunnan, presents the general picture of academy in Ming Dynasty, details the creation time and spatial distribution characteristics of Yunnan academy, and describes the development track and creation nature of academy.
The fourth part: Yunnan Academy in Qing Dynasty. It shows the flourishing prosperity of Yunnan Academy in Qing Dynasty. It expounds the space-time distribution characteristics, development track and creation nature of academy in Qing Dynasty, and compares it with the related situations of Yunnan Academy in Ming Dynasty, forming a comparative study.
The fifth part: the educational characteristics of Ancient Academy in Yunnan. Take the two dimensions of teaching characteristics and management characteristics to reexamine the Ancient Academy of classical learning in Yunnan, so as to reveal the educational characteristics of Ancient Academy in Yunnan by taking Wuhua Academy of classical learning, historical materials, such as the academies of classical learning and the famous academies in Dali area.
The sixth part: the conclusion and enlightenment. The basic conclusion of the paper research results, the basic conclusion of whole ancient colleges in Yunnan historical research and the main concise and comprehensive, enlightenment.



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