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发布时间:2018-01-30 17:05

  本文关键词: 职业发展教育 就业指导 职业规划 商业计划书 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生就业难已经成为一个社会性问题,并且有逐步恶化的趋势,它是一个需要政府、高校、家庭、个人共同面对和解决的问题。大学生苦读寒窗十余载,为的就是能在毕业之后找到一份理想的工作,养活自己、反哺家庭、贡献社会,如若不能,则会成为影响家庭幸福、社会稳定的一个重大因素,所以遏制并缓解大学生就业难问题是我们每个人都需要伸出一双手、贡献一份力的责任。大学生就业难的原因不单是社会提供的就业岗位数量的限制,有很大一方面原因是大学生职业发展教育没有做到位,大学生在学生阶段未能合理设置目标,科学进行职业生涯规划,有针对性的锻炼就业技能,导致就业时一片茫然、无所适从,即使有空缺的岗位,自己也无法顺利获取。 大学生职业发展项目商业计划书正是针对这种情况,以帮助大学生提高就(创)业能力为宗旨,通过精心设计的素质测评、职业素质竞争力提升、就业技能倍增、演练实训、创业指导、深度咨询等课程的培训教育,使学生的素质能力迅速得到大幅提升和优化,踢好“学生人”向“社会人”转型的“临门一脚”,使学生的职业生涯之路起步更快、起点更高。在学生就业后将定期回访了解学生的发展状况,并根据学生的个人具体情况对学生进行科学的职业生涯规划指导,为他们的职业成功之路保驾护航,实现政府、高校、企业、家庭、个人的多赢局面。 该商业计划书主要从分析项目背景及意义、市场分析、公司战略、公司商业模式、产品策略、营销策略、组织结构、财务分析、风险分析及对策等方面对承载大学生职业发展教育项目的郑州布睿杰企业管理咨询有限公司的创业进行指导。 郑州布睿杰企业管理咨询有限公司是由知名企业人力资源总监、高校实战派教授、风投机构共同发起成立的管理咨询机构。目前,布睿杰咨询专家团共由20多位来自银行、保险、证券、制造业、房地产、能源等行业知名企业(国有、民营、外资及上市公司)的人力资源副总裁、总监、部门经理、招聘经理,高校实战派教授,企业高管,资深猎头顾问等组成。公司目标是打造中原地区最具品质和实力的大学生职业发展教育机构。目前,已经成功举办3次高校公益讲座,取得了较好的宣传效果,开设的“职通桥”特训班已经开始招生,通过向学生提供培训服务、吸纳会员,前期一次性收取课时费或会员费,后期提供培训咨询服务实现收入和利润。公司的核心优势是专家团,不仅教授内容精准实用,而且有快速提升就业率的优势,相信通过我们的不懈努力,布睿杰咨询一定会有一个美好的未来。
[Abstract]:The difficulty of obtaining employment for college students has become a social problem, and there is a trend of gradual deterioration. It is a problem that needs the government, colleges, families and individuals to face and solve together. In order to be able to find an ideal job after graduation, to support themselves, to feed their families, to contribute to society, if not, it will become a major factor affecting family happiness and social stability. Therefore, to curb and alleviate the employment difficulties of college students is the responsibility of each of us to extend a hand and contribute to the employment of college students. The reason for the difficulty is not only the limit of the number of jobs provided by the society. There is a large part of the reason is that college students' career development education is not in place, college students in the stage of students can not set a reasonable goal, scientific career planning, targeted training employment skills. Lead to a job at a loss, do not know what to do, even if there are vacancies, they will not be able to obtain smoothly. The business plan of college students' career development project is aimed at this kind of situation, aiming at helping college students to improve their ability to create a career, and improving the competitiveness of professional quality through carefully designed quality evaluation. The multiplication of employment skills, practice training, entrepreneurial guidance, in-depth counseling and other courses of training and education, so that students' quality and ability to rapidly improve and optimize. Kick "student person" to "social person" transition "one foot", make the career path of students start faster, start higher. After the students get employed, they will return to visit regularly to understand the development of the students. According to the students' specific situation, the students should be guided by the scientific career planning to ensure their career success and realize the multi-win situation of the government, universities, enterprises, families and individuals. The business plan mainly analyzes the background and significance of the project, market analysis, company strategy, business model, product strategy, marketing strategy, organizational structure, financial analysis. Risk analysis and countermeasures are used to guide the venture of Zhengzhou BuRujie Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou BuRui Jie Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. is a management consulting organization established by the director of human resources of well-known enterprises, professors from colleges and universities, and venture capital organizations. The advisory panel is composed of more than 20 vice presidents and directors of human resources from banks, insurance, securities, manufacturing, real estate, energy and other well-known enterprises (state-owned, private, foreign and listed companies). Department manager, recruitment manager, college professor, enterprise executive, senior headhunter consultant, etc. The goal of the company is to create the most quality and strength college students career development education institutions in the central plains. At present. Has successfully held 3 university public welfare lectures, has obtained the good propaganda effect, opened "the vocational link bridge" the special training class has begun to recruit students, through provides the training service to the student, absorbs the member. The company's core advantage is the expert group, which not only teaches the content accurately and practical, but also has the advantage of increasing the employment rate quickly. I believe that through our unremitting efforts, Brewray consulting will certainly have a bright future.


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