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发布时间:2018-01-31 23:19

  本文关键词: 积极人格 大学生 乐观 积极心理学 出处:《兰州交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:积极人格的研究是伴随着积极心理学的兴起而兴起的。积极人格是个体积极的思想和情感以及由其所引导的外在行为,,是由多种积极人格特质组成的个体内部相对稳定的系统。它倡导一种积极向上的取向,使个体可以开放性地接受外界事物,体验到更多的积极情绪,增加乐观、韧性和爱等,能够帮助个体更好地应对挫折,激发个体更多的积极行为,使个体生活得更加幸福。积极人格虽然受遗传因素的影响,但更多的还是依靠后天环境来培养,具有可开发性。大学生的人格发展仍处于塑造期,培养大学生积极人格可以帮助他们更好地应对困境和挑战,促进他们全面发展。 本研究在理论分析和实证研究的基础上,采用文献法、问卷法、访谈法和案例分析法对大学生积极人格培养进行研究。当前大学生积极人格现状有好的一面,例如自信、眼界开阔、渴望独立和思维能力强等;但与此同时,大学生人格发展中也存在一定的问题,例如以自我为中心、心理承受力差、存在认知偏差、复原能力差、人格发展不均衡等。个体的气质、性格和认知方式,家庭的氛围与教养方式,学校的教育管理方式、师生关系、文化氛围,以及社会等因素都会对大学生的人格发展产生影响。为了培育大学生的积极人格,本研究认为应该积极探索有效的培养途径,并从以下四个方面进行了努力:一是大学生个体要加强反思,增加自身的积极体验,并建立合理认知方式;二是家庭要营造和谐氛围、注重大学生的感恩教育和生活应对能力培养;三是学校要树立以人为本的教育理念,积极建立广泛的大学生支持系统、构建大学生施展才能的广阔平台、建立参与式的校园管理机制和大学生积极归因的引导训练;四是社会要建立积极的组织系统。
[Abstract]:The study of positive personality is accompanied by the rise of positive psychology. Positive personality is the positive thought and emotion of individual and the external behavior guided by it. It advocates a kind of positive orientation, so that the individual can accept external things openly, experience more positive emotions, and increase optimism. Resilience and love can help individuals cope with setbacks better, stimulate more positive behaviors, and make individuals happier. Positive personality is influenced by genetic factors. The personality development of college students is still in the shaping period. Cultivating positive personality of college students can help them to cope with difficulties and challenges better. Promote their all-round development. On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical research, this study uses the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview and case analysis to study the cultivation of college students' positive personality. Such as self-confidence, broad horizons, desire for independence and strong thinking ability; But at the same time, there are some problems in the development of college students' personality, such as self-centered, poor psychological tolerance, cognitive bias, poor resilience, unbalanced personality development, and individual temperament. Personality and cognitive style, family atmosphere and upbringing, school education management, teacher-student relationship, cultural atmosphere. In order to cultivate the positive personality of college students, this study believes that we should actively explore effective ways to cultivate them. And from the following four aspects of efforts: first, college students should strengthen reflection, increase their own positive experience, and establish a reasonable cognitive style; Second, families should create a harmonious atmosphere, pay attention to Thanksgiving education and life coping ability of college students; Third, schools should set up people-oriented education concept, actively establish a broad support system for college students, and build a broad platform for students to display their talents. Establishing participatory campus management mechanism and the guidance training of college students' positive attribution; Fourth, society should establish an active organizational system.


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