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发布时间:2018-02-01 05:54

  本文关键词: 芝加哥大学 区域 良性 互动 关系 出处:《首都师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文运用文献法、历史研究法、个案法,对芝加哥大学建校以来的百余年发展历程中,与所在区域——芝加哥的良性互动关系进行史实阐述和纵向梳理,并根据不同时期两者良性互动关系的特点变化,将之划分为如下三个历史阶段: 一、1856年至1907年是芝加哥大学与区域良性互动关系的形成和初步发展阶段,以大学与区域发展需求的良性互动为主要特点。芝加哥作为芝加哥大学的自然腹地,在其筹建时和发展初期,为之提供了丰厚的物质基础和广泛的情感支持,为芝加哥大学的起步创造了优越条件。芝加哥大学也在首任校长哈珀的领导下,确立了教学、科研和社会服务的三大职能,以开办市民成人教育等响应区域的需求。这一时期大学与区域通过满足彼此需求,为两者的良性互动关系打下了良好开端。 二、1907年至1950年是芝加哥大学与区域良性互动关系的蓬勃发展阶段,以大学与区域改良进程的良性互动为主要内容。这一时期,双方达成互动的动力在于,区域发展的现实困境对大学参与区域建设提出了迫切要求,并内化为大学科研的实用取向。芝加哥大学利用社会学研究来考察、解决区域社会问题,成为大学与区域良性互动行为的主要发起者,对区域发展的推动作用也显著增强;相比之下,芝加哥在互动中暂居被动地位,以接受大学的服务援助为主。 三、1950年以来,芝加哥大学与区域的良性互动关系进入全面推进阶段,大学与医疗、教育等区域公共事业的多方位互动成为新特色。芝加哥大学通过合作项目、专项计划和工程等多种管道,开发大学在专业教育、应用型人才培养上的社会价值。区域公共需求领域的增多、规模的增大、层次的提升,则进一步为芝加哥大学的教学和研究创造了发展空间和动力,芝加哥大学与区域的良性互动关系实现了全面推进和提升。 芝加哥大学与区域良性互动关系的发展轨迹与模式的独特性在于:是芝加哥“生养”和“哺育”了芝加哥大学,区域需求与大学理念彼此渗透和调试,以“灵魂交融”为契合点,实现了互动关系良性势态的维系和发展,并跟随时代背景和需求的不同,付诸于互动方式和手段的变化,在变化着的历史特色与坚守不变的精神内核中,开创了成功而独特的芝加哥大学与区域良性互动关系模式。
[Abstract]:This article uses the literature method, the historical research method, the individual case method, to the Chicago University since the foundation hundred years development course, and the region-Chicago benign interaction relations carries on the historical facts elaboration and the longitudinal comb. According to the characteristics of the benign interaction between the two in different periods, it can be divided into the following three historical stages: First, 1856 to 1907 is the formation and initial development stage of the benign interaction between the University of Chicago and the region. Chicago, as the natural hinterland of the University of Chicago, provided a rich material foundation and extensive emotional support for the University of Chicago when it was established and at the beginning of its development. The University of Chicago, under the leadership of its first president, Harper, has established three major functions of teaching, scientific research and social service. In this period, universities and regions meet each other's needs and make a good start for the positive interaction between the two. Secondly, the period from 1907 to 1950 is the vigorous development stage of the benign interaction between the University of Chicago and the region, with the benign interaction between the university and the regional improvement as the main content. The motive force of the interaction between the two sides is that the realistic dilemma of regional development puts forward an urgent demand for the university to participate in the regional construction and internalizes as the practical orientation of university scientific research. The University of Chicago uses sociological research to investigate. To solve regional social problems and become the main initiators of benign interaction between universities and regions, the role of promoting regional development is also significantly enhanced; Chicago, by contrast, is in a passive position in its interactions, mainly in the form of university assistance. Third, since 1950, the benign interaction between the University of Chicago and the region has entered a comprehensive stage of advancement, university and medical care. The multi-directional interaction of regional public utilities, such as education, has become a new feature. The University of Chicago develops university education in the field of professional education through a variety of channels, such as collaborative projects, special projects and projects. The social value of the cultivation of applied talents, the increase of the field of regional public demand, the increase of the scale and the promotion of the level, will further create the development space and motive force for the teaching and research of the University of Chicago. The benign interaction between the University of Chicago and the region has achieved a comprehensive promotion and promotion. The unique development path and mode of the benign interaction between the University of Chicago and the region lies in the fact that Chicago "nurtures" and "nurtures" the University of Chicago, and the regional needs and the concept of the university permeate and debug each other. Taking the "soul blending" as the point of convergence, it realizes the maintenance and development of the benign situation of the interactive relationship, and puts it into the change of the interactive ways and means according to the different background and needs of the times. In the changing historical characteristics and the unchanging spiritual core, the successful and unique model of the benign interaction between the University of Chicago and the region was created.


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