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发布时间:2018-02-08 20:33

  本文关键词: 90后 大学生 个人品德 出处:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:90后大学生是陪伴改革开放的进一步深化、计划经济转入市场经济、中国加入世界贸易组织的背景下的新一代大学生,他们在思想上和心理上带有鲜明的时代特征。他们从总体上来看,主流思想是积极向上的,民族精神上振奋昂扬,人生态度上积极健康,进取精神十分突出,但同时,伴随存在着感性多于理性、功利化严重倾向、抵抗挫折能力差,心理承受能力差等不良状况,给大学生个人品德教育工作带来了新的机遇和挑战。 针对这一现实问题,本文分析了现阶段90后大学生个人品德教育的意义,调查研究了90后大学生个人品德特点及成因,重点探讨了90后大学生个人品德教育的思路,即以马列主义为指导思想,以社会主义核心价值观为引导,针对学校、家庭、社会三方面提出的相应的品德教育对策。期望能为思想政治教育和公民道德建设理论的丰富提供一些理论参考。本文应用于高校思想政治教育实践,有利于提高现阶段大学生个人品德水平,为提高大学生综合素质和为祖国培养合格的人才具有一定现实指导意义。
[Abstract]:The post-90s college students are a new generation of college students who accompany the further deepening of reform and opening up, the transition from planned economy to market economy, and China's entry into the World Trade Organization. They are ideologically and psychologically marked by the times. In general, the mainstream ideology is positive, the national spirit is uplifting, the attitude towards life is positive and healthy, and the enterprising spirit is very prominent, but at the same time, Along with the existence of perceptual more than rational, utilitarian serious tendency, poor ability to resist setbacks, poor psychological tolerance and other bad conditions, has brought new opportunities and challenges to the work of personal moral education of college students. In view of this realistic problem, this paper analyzes the significance of the personal moral education of the post-90s college students at present, investigates the characteristics and causes of the personal moral character of the post-90s college students, and probes into the ideas of the personal moral education of the post-90s college students. That is, to take Marxism-Leninism as the guiding ideology, to take the socialist core values as the guide, and to target schools and families, The corresponding moral education countermeasures put forward in three aspects of society are expected to provide some theoretical references for the enrichment of the theory of ideological and political education and citizen moral construction. This paper is applied to the practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It is beneficial to improve the level of college students' personal moral character at the present stage. It is of practical significance to improve the comprehensive quality of college students and to train qualified people for the motherland.


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