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发布时间:2018-02-10 03:18

  本文关键词: 高校辅导员 职业认同 职业自我概念 职业倦怠 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本研究采用自编的高校辅导员职业自我概念问卷和高校辅导员职业认同问卷,结合职业认同量表和职业倦怠量表对哈尔滨、齐齐哈尔、牡丹江、佳木斯、大连的多所高校的辅导员进行调查。对所收集到的数据运用因素分析的方法探讨了高校辅导员职业自我概念及职业认同的结构。采用方差分析的方法了解了高校辅导员职业认同、职业自我概念和职业倦怠的现状,并利用相关分析、多元回归分析和结构方程模型探讨了高校辅导员职业认同、职业自我概念和职业倦怠三者的关系。 研究结果表明:(1)自编的《高校辅导员职业自我概念问卷》具有较好的信度和效度。(2)自编的《高校辅导员职业认同问卷》具有较好的信度和效度。(3)不同教龄的高校辅导员在职业自我概念总分上存在着显著差异。(4)不同性别的高校辅导员在情绪衰竭和玩世不恭维度上有差异;不同年龄的高校辅导员在自我接纳、人际关系、角色认同、成就感低落、玩世不恭上存在差异;不同教龄的高校辅导员在专业胜任能力、自我接纳、工作满意度、角色认同、职业价值观、情绪衰竭、玩世不恭维度上有差异;不同婚姻状况的高校辅导员在工作满意度、职业归属感、成就感低落、玩世不恭维度上有差异。(5)高校辅导员职业认同、职业自我概念和职业倦怠两两之间存在着显著的相关关系。(6)高校辅导员职业认同对职业倦怠具有负向的预测作用,职业自我概念对职业倦怠具有负向的预测作用。(7)应用结构方程模型检验职业自我概念的总分的中介效应显著,职业认同对职业倦怠的影响是部分通过职业自我概念的中介作用实现的。 本研究在职业认同、职业自我概念和职业倦怠的相关理论的基础上,了解现在高校辅导员职业认同、职业自我概念和职业倦怠的现状,从认知评价因素的角度为降低高校辅导员的职业倦怠提供策略,以期提升高校辅导员的职业认同,降低其职业倦怠,提高工作的积极性,增加辅导员工作热情。
[Abstract]:This study uses the self-designed college counselors occupational self-concept questionnaire and college counselors professional identity questionnaire, combined with the occupational identity scale and job burnout scale to Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi. This paper investigates the counselors in many colleges and universities in Dalian, and probes into the professional self-concept and the structure of professional identity of college counselors by using the method of factor analysis on the data collected. The method of variance analysis is used to understand the college counselors' professional self-concept and the structure of their professional identity. Counselors' professional identity, The present situation of occupational self-concept and job burnout is discussed, and the relationship among career identity, occupational self-concept and burnout of college counselors is discussed by means of correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and structural equation model. The results show that: 1) the Self-compiled questionnaire of Professional Self-Concepts of College counselors has better reliability and validity. 2) the Self-compiled questionnaire of Professional identity of College counselors has better reliability and validity. There are significant differences in the total score of career self-concept between college counselors and college counselors of different genders in the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and cynicism; There are differences in self-acceptance, interpersonal relationship, role identity, sense of achievement and cynicism among college counselors of different ages, and there are differences in professional competence, self-acceptance, job satisfaction, role identity among college counselors of different teaching years. Career values, emotional exhaustion, cynicism, college counselors of different marital status in job satisfaction, sense of professional belonging, low sense of achievement, cynicism, there are differences in the dimensions of college counselors career identity, There is a significant correlation between occupational self-concept and job burnout. 6) College counselors' occupational identity has a negative predictive effect on job burnout. Occupational self-concept has a negative predictive effect on job burnout. (7) applying structural equation model to test the total score of occupational self-concept, the intermediary effect of the total score of occupational self-concept is significant. The influence of occupational identity on job burnout is partly achieved through the intermediary role of occupational self-concept. Based on the relevant theories of occupational identity, occupational self-concept and job burnout, the present situation of college counselors' occupational identity, occupational self-concept and job burnout is studied. From the perspective of cognitive evaluation factors, this paper provides strategies for reducing college counselors' job burnout in order to promote their professional identity, reduce their job burnout, improve their enthusiasm for work, and increase their enthusiasm for work.


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