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发布时间:2018-02-10 06:18

  本文关键词: 钾代谢 理论联系实际 实验成功率 现代教学技术 胃肠道平滑肌 高钾血症 独立思维能力 医学教育 病理生理学 钾离子  出处:《中国病理生理杂志》2013年10期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Potassium metabolic disorder is a very important part of pathophysiology. It is very difficult for undergraduate students to understand this part, so that they can better understand and master the abnormal potassium metabolism. This paper introduces some teaching experiences from two aspects of theory and experiment. (1) theoretical teaching pays attention to the solution of key and difficult points. Firstly, it explains the normal potassium metabolism and its regulating mechanism, then extends to abnormal potassium metabolism. Make the students have a clear understanding of the causes of hypokalemia and hyperkalemia. In the course of teaching, pay attention to problem-oriented guidance to help students understand. We generally put forward several main questions: first, why does the excitability of skeletal muscle and gastrointestinal smooth muscle decrease while the excitability of myocardium increases when potassium is low? Second, why are the effects of hypokalemia and hyperkalemia (acute mild) on myocardial excitability increased? Third, what are the characteristics of their effects on ECG and acid-base balance? Through the students' thinking, the teacher gives the explanation along the way. (2) in the experiment course, we make full use of the modern teaching technology and means, watch the teaching film and the student experiment video selected by our laboratory for many years, so that the students can understand the experiment process and aim more clearly and concretely; Paying attention to the details of experiment, improving the success rate of experiment, combining theory with practice, doing well the experiment analysis of high quality, whether in theory teaching or experiment teaching, cultivating medical students' independent thinking ability, innovation consciousness and practical ability. It has become the main mission of medical education and teaching reform.
【作者单位】: 三峡大学医学院;


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