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发布时间:2018-02-10 12:48

  本文关键词: 大学生 思想品德 校园文化建设 出处:《湖北工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《教育部、共青团中央关于加强和改进高等学校校园文化建设的意见》指出:“高等学校校园文化是社会主义文化的重要组成部分。加强校园文化建设对于推进高等教育改革发展、加强和改进大学生思想政治教育、全面提高大学生综合素质,具有十分重要的意义。”实践也证明,,校园文化具有引导、示范、激励、陶冶、娱悦、创新等功能。校园文化建设对大学生理想信念、人生价值观、道德情操和心理素质等的形成和发展具有重要的影响。然而,当前高校校园文化建设中存在着重形式轻内容、重硬件轻软件、重思想轻行为、重功名轻实效等问题,以致校园文化建设的功能彰显不突出,效果不强,对大学生思想品德的培养和素质的全面提升影响不够。鉴于此,本文立足于大学生思想品德培养的视角,采取实证调查的方法研究校园文化建设。 本研究共分为五个部分: 第一部分:论文导论。主要阐述本选题的研究意义、研究现状、研究方法和创新点。 第二部分:校园文化与大学生思想品德概述。主要阐述校园文化的内涵与功能、思想品德的内涵和结构,并试图分析了校园文化建设与大学生思想品德培养之间的关系。 第三部分:校园文化建设状况的调查与分析。笔者在问卷调查的基础上,分析了大学生对校园文化建设的满意度和校园文化建设对大学生思想认知、品德行为的影响的认可度,得出了大学生对当前校园文化建设状况满意度不太高、校园文化建设对大学生思想品德具有较大的影响、大学生品德行为滞后于思想认知的结论。 第四部分:高校校园文化建设存在的问题及其原因分析。笔者认为,当前校园文化建设存在重形式轻内容、重硬件轻软件、重思想轻行为、重功名轻实效的问题,并对其原因进行了分析。 第五部分:基于大学生思想品德培养的校园文化建设思考。主要是是从校园文化建设的原则、内容和方法路径三个方面来探讨校园文化建设的有效措施。
[Abstract]:< Ministry of Education, Views of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League on strengthening and improving the Construction of Campus Culture in Colleges and Universities "Campus Culture in Colleges and Universities is an important part of Socialist Culture, strengthening the Construction of Campus Culture will promote the Reform and Development of higher Education," It is of great significance to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students and to improve the comprehensive quality of college students in an all-round way. "practice has also proved that campus culture has the characteristics of guidance, demonstration, encouragement, edification and entertainment. The construction of campus culture has an important influence on the formation and development of college students' ideals and beliefs, values of life, moral sentiment and psychological quality. Such problems as attaching importance to hardware and software, thinking less to behavior, to merit and fame, to effectiveness, and so on, so that the function of campus cultural construction is not prominent and the effect is not strong, the influence on the cultivation of college students' ideological and moral character and the overall improvement of their quality is not enough. Based on the perspective of ideological and moral cultivation of college students, this paper adopts the method of empirical investigation to study the construction of campus culture. This study is divided into five parts:. The first part: introduction to the thesis. It mainly describes the significance of this topic, research status, research methods and innovation. The second part: an overview of campus culture and college students' ideological and moral character, mainly expounds the connotation and function of campus culture, the connotation and structure of ideological and moral character, and tries to analyze the relationship between campus culture construction and college students' ideological and moral cultivation. The third part: the investigation and analysis of campus culture construction. Based on the questionnaire, the author analyzes the satisfaction of college students to campus culture construction and the ideological cognition of campus culture construction. Based on the recognition of the influence of moral behavior, it is concluded that college students' satisfaction with the current campus culture construction is not high, the campus culture construction has great influence on college students' ideological and moral character, and college students' moral character behavior lags behind the ideological cognition. Part 4th: the problems and reasons of campus culture construction in colleges and universities. The author thinks that the current campus culture construction has the problem of paying attention to form and content, hardware and software, thought and behavior, merit and fame, and actual effect. The reasons are analyzed. Part 5th: thinking about the campus culture construction based on the cultivation of college students' ideological and moral character. The main purpose is to probe into the effective measures of campus culture construction from three aspects: the principle, content and method path of campus culture construction.


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