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发布时间:2018-02-10 16:47

  本文关键词: 高校 社区治理 对策 出处:《南京理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现代高校具有三大功能,即服务社会、教育教学和发展科研。其中,高校服务社会功能的实现条件,重要的一点就是高校要主动参与到社区治理过程当中去。高校参与社区治理,一方面促进了社区决策的正确性、提高自治能力,进而推动社区全面治理;另一方面高校也受益匪浅,在服务社区的事业上获得快速发展,实现双赢。 通过对国内外文献的分析和一定的社会调查研究,本论文将写作思路确定为:首先对高校参与社区治理的历史进程进行分析,并进一步挖掘高校参与社区治理的外向进路和内在要素,指出当前高校参与社区治理过程中存在的主要障碍,提出解决问题的应对之策,以完善高校参与社区治理之机制。因此,研究架构如下:首先,介绍高校参与社区治理的历史进程。高校在不同的治理阶段发生了办学理念和职能的演变。从象牙塔式的封闭教学,到服务站式的直接社会服务,高校承担起教学、科研与社会服务的多元功能,对社区治理起着越来越重要的作用。其次,分析高校参与社区治理过程中发挥作用的领域、参与的方式以及高校在参与社区治理过程中出现的一些问题。第三,通过重点研究高校参与社区治理的内在要素,以江苏高校为对象的实证调研为基础,进而提出进一步推动高校参与社区治理方式方法以及制度保障的对策思路。 本论文共分七章,第一章是论文的绪论部分,着重介绍了选题背景及研究意义,分析和阐述了高校参与社区治理的研究现状,发现目前国内外研究中存在的一些问题,进而提出课题的研究思路和运用的研究方法,为后续的研究开展做好铺垫。本文主要采用对比分析法和实证分析法这两种研究方法。第二章阐述了高校参与社区治理的历史沿革,对高校、社区及社区治理的相关概念进行界定,接着阐释高校的公共属性,包括公共性、服务性、社会性、开放性,表明高校参与社区治理的必然性,并梳理高校在农业文明时期、工业文明时期以及新时期的各个历史阶段所发挥的社会功能,呈现出的功能的次第演变,进而指明高校已从历史的神坛、学者的天堂逐渐演变成大众的教育场所和社会服务站,接着概述了我国社区治理领域存在的问题以及如何进行优化解决。第三章介绍了高校参与社区治理的理论基础,包括互动理论、交换理论和治理理论。论述高校参与社区治理的高校自身之基本定位,首先谈到高校的制度设计,这在我国的高教法有明确的说明。以及对社区治理的实践理念进行分析,高校在参与社区治理方面扮演者非常重要的角色和发挥着积极作用,表现在高校是社区资源的提供者、社区建设的促进者、社会资本的培育者、社会政策的倡导者。第四章,讨论了高校在参与社区治理活动中所发挥作用的领域、方式及存在的问题等,从而看出高校参与社区治理进程的水平。第五章,以南京理工大学为例,通过案例分析等分析方法,从对社区治理参与途径,其机制体制分析等方面,考察南京理工大学参与社区治理过程的表现,提出相关的建议,以推动高校参与社区治理的效果和水平。第六章,从响应事业单位改革、深化高校自身改革,整合区域高校资源,加强政府的政策制定与引导支持这三个方面进行分析,进而提出高校参与社区治理的相关对策建议。第七章,根据总结发现研究的不足之处,提出进一步研究的问题和方向。
[Abstract]:The modern university has three main functions, namely, social services, education and development of scientific research. The conditions for the realization of social service function of University, the important point is that colleges and universities should actively participate in the community governance process. Colleges and universities to participate in community governance, to promote a correct decision of the community, improve the autonomous ability, and promote the community comprehensive management; on the other hand, the University also benefited from the rapid development, the community service business to achieve a win-win situation.
Based on the literature analysis and social investigation, this thesis writing ideas as: first of all, the analysis of the historical process of participation in community governance, and further excavate the outgoing route to participate in community governance and internal factors, points out the main obstacles of community governance in the process of participating in the high school, put forward coping to solve the problem, in order to improve the participation of community governance in Colleges and universities. Therefore, the research framework is as follows: firstly, the colleges and universities to participate in community governance. The historical process of evolution of university educational philosophy and management functions in the different stages. From the closed teaching ivory tower, direct social services to the service station, in Colleges and universities has multiple functions of teaching, research and social service, plays a more and more important role in community governance. Secondly, analysis of colleges and universities to participate in the community governance process Play a role in the field, some problems in the way of colleges and universities appeared in the process of community governance. Third, through the internal factors focus on Colleges and universities to participate in the community governance, the universities in Jiangsu as the empirical research object as the basis, and then put forward to further promote the high school to participate in community governance mode and method of system security countermeasures.
This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter is the introduction part, mainly introduces the background and significance, analyzes and expounds the research status of colleges and universities to participate in community governance, we found some problems in the research at home and abroad, and then put forward the research ideas and research methods used, pave the way for subsequent to carry out research. This paper mainly adopts comparative analysis and empirical analysis of the two methods. The second chapter describes the history of the university to participate in community governance, to colleges and universities, defines the related concepts of community and community governance, then explains the public property, including public, service, social, open. The results indicated the necessity to participate in community governance, and combing University in the agriculture civilization, the various historical stages of industrial civilization period and the new period of social function, showing the power Can the time evolution, then points out that colleges and universities have been from the history of the altar of heaven, scholars gradually evolved into a place for education and social public service station, and summarizes the existing problems in the field of community governance in China and how to optimize the solution. The third chapter introduces the basic theory of colleges and universities to participate in the community governance, including interaction theory, exchange theory and governance theory. This paper discusses the basic positioning of the university to participate in community governance of universities, colleges and universities firstly talked about the system design, which is clearly indicated in the higher education of our country. And analyze the community governance practice, in the university to participate in community governance plays a very important role and play a positive role. Performance is the community resource provider in Colleges and universities, facilitator of community construction, cultivation of social capital, advocates of social policy. The fourth chapter discusses the high school in the community A role in the field of play activities in the areas of governance, and the existing problems, in order to see the level of participation in community governance process in Colleges and universities. In the fifth chapter, taking Nanjing University of Science and Technology as an example, through case analysis method, from the way of community participation in governance, the mechanism of system analysis, investigation of Nanjing University of Science and Technology to participate in the process of community governance performance and puts forward relevant suggestions to promote the effect and level of participation in community governance. In the sixth chapter, from the response to the reform of institutions, deepening the reform, integration of resources and regional colleges and universities, strengthen government policy support and guidance of the three aspects of analysis, and put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions to participate in community governance in seventh. According to the chapter concluded that the inadequacies of the study, puts forward the problems and the direction of further research.



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