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发布时间:2018-02-12 10:38

  本文关键词: 高校 管理人员 绩效考核 AHP-模糊综合评判 出处:《长江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着知识经济和经济全球化的到来,人才的竞争变得愈发激烈,作为培养高层次、高素质人才的高等学校,同样也面临着前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。上世纪90年代初,人们逐渐对人力资源管理理论及其实践研究愈加重视起来,绩效管理逐渐发展成为一个被人们广泛认可的人力资源管理行为。随着我国科教兴国战略的不断深入,高等教育发展迅猛,作为高校重要人力资源组成部分的管理人员,肩负着服务全校师生的重任,其管理水平的高低也愈发显得至关重要。高等学校不同于企业,如何把企业中的绩效管理的好的做法运用到高校,不断加强高校行政管理人员的绩效考核,提高管理人员队伍整体素质,合理地衡量出管理人员的业绩和工作效率,进一步激发其工作热情,提高其工作能力及工作效率,对促进高等学校教育事业的全而健康发展具有重大意义。从当前的我国高校人事制度改革现实情况来看,设岗是前提,分配是手段,聘任是关键,考核是保证。虽然我国高等教育改革发展思路相对明晰,但不可否认,现代化的人力资源管理技术及手段还是比较缺乏的。尤其是随着教育大发展及改革的不断深入,对管理人员考核工作的规范化、科学化、制度化水平要求越来越高。 行政管理人员在高校内部是一个比较特殊的群体,因其工作的复杂性和不易衡量性,使得这一群体的工作实绩考核难度很大,一直以来是教育界争相研究和争论的焦点。本论文理论和实践两个层面开展研究,首先从绩效考核的相关理论入手,论述了绩效的内涵及特性,绩效考核的原则、方法等,着力将绩效考核的理论引入到高校管理人员绩效考核实际中。针对高校管理人员的特点,以兰州城市学院管理人员为研究对象开展了实地调研,通过走访、问卷调查等形式的调研,并在参阅大量文献资料的基础之上,阐述了当前我国高校管理人员绩效考核的现状,对存在的问题进行了深层次的剖析,对指标体系设计、管理人员素质要求、考核技术的选择、考核方案的设计实施及结果的反馈验证等内容进行了深入地探讨,在此基础之上,结合兰州城市学院及当前高校管理人员现状,从管理人员“德、能、勤、绩、廉”五个大的方面重新设计出相应指标,并运用AHP层次分析方法对各指标赋予了新的权重,从而保证了新考核体系的科学性,成功构建了高校管理人员绩效考核指标体系。最后基于模糊综合评判数学模型,运用新建考核指标体系对兰州城市学院的一名中层管理人员进行了绩效考核实践检验。
[Abstract]:With the advent of knowledge economy and economic globalization, the competition for talents becomes more and more fierce. As a college for training high-level and high-quality talents, colleges and universities are also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In the beginning of -10s, colleges and universities are facing unprecedented development opportunities and challenges. People pay more and more attention to the theory and practice of human resource management, and the performance management has gradually developed into a widely recognized human resource management behavior. The development of higher education is swift and violent. As an important part of human resources in colleges and universities, the administrators shoulder the important task of serving the teachers and students of the whole school, and the level of their management level becomes more and more important. How to apply the good practice of performance management in enterprises to colleges and universities, to continuously strengthen the performance appraisal of university administrators, to improve the overall quality of the management team, and to reasonably measure the performance and working efficiency of the managers. It is of great significance to further stimulate their enthusiasm, improve their working ability and work efficiency, and promote the overall and healthy development of the cause of higher education. From the current reality of personnel system reform in colleges and universities in China, the establishment of posts is the prerequisite. Distribution is the means, employment is the key, and assessment is the guarantee. Although the train of thought for the reform and development of China's higher education is relatively clear, there is no denying that, The modern technology and means of human resource management are still lacking, especially with the development of education and the deepening of reform, the standard, scientific and institutionalized level of management assessment is becoming more and more high. Administrators are a special group in colleges and universities. Because of the complexity and difficulty of measuring their work, it is very difficult to assess the performance of the work of this group. It has always been the focus of research and controversy in education circles. This paper has carried out research on two levels: theory and practice. Firstly, it discusses the connotation and characteristics of performance, the principles and methods of performance appraisal, and so on, starting with the relevant theories of performance appraisal. This paper introduces the theory of performance appraisal into the practice of performance appraisal of university administrators. In view of the characteristics of university administrators, the author takes the managers of Lanzhou City College as the research object to carry out field research, and through visits, In the form of questionnaire investigation and on the basis of consulting a large number of documents, this paper expounds the present situation of performance appraisal of administrators in colleges and universities in our country, analyzes the existing problems deeply, designs the index system. The quality requirements of managers, the selection of assessment techniques, the design and implementation of assessment schemes and the feedback verification of the results are discussed in depth. On this basis, the present situation of managers in Lanzhou City College and the current university management is combined. This paper redesigns the corresponding index from five aspects of management "morality, ability, diligence, achievement and honesty", and gives new weight to each index by using AHP analytic hierarchy process method, thus ensuring the scientific nature of the new examination system. Finally, based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mathematical model, the performance appraisal practice of a middle-level manager in Lanzhou City College is tested by using the new evaluation index system.


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