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发布时间:2018-02-14 17:31

  本文关键词: 郭秉文 廖世承 师范教育 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国师范教育自从简单模仿移植外国,直至独立的中国师范教育体制的形成,已经经过了一百余年的时间,由“壬子癸丑学制”和“1922年学制”所引发的师范学院独立和合并之争一直存在。作为我国近代著名的教育家,郭秉文借鉴美国教育模式,坚持“寓师范于大学”,在这一师范教育思想指导下,成功将师范院校南高师改制成综合大学——东南大学,并以其卓越的办学理念和方式使得南高师和东南大学誉满东南,蜚声海外。廖世承是中国现代教育学家和心理学家,其投一生经历于教育,由中国国情出发,创“师范院校独立设置”的先声,他的师范教育观在推进教育现代化的过程中起了举足轻重的作用。对两位教育家的办学思想和教育理念的梳理和研究,有利于我国高等教育尤其是师范教育的发展。 文章从四个部分来阐述: 绪论部分阐明了郭秉文和廖世承师范教育思想比较研究的提出缘由、研究意义、研究现状以及本文的研究方法。 第一部分主要追溯了二者师范教育思想形成的时代背景,介绍了20世纪初中国教育仿日和仿美的两种模式,回顾了郭秉文和廖世承师范教育思想形成的原因和过程,二者都有留学美国的经历,教育思想都受国内传统教育和美国高等教育的影响。 第二部分深入分析了郭秉文和廖世承师范教育思想的异同,分别从师范体制观、办学理念、治校风格、学科设置、教师观、学生观六个方面进行阐述,其中主要介绍了郭秉文“寓师范于大学”师范体制观,而廖世承主张师范学院要独立设置;郭秉文教育国际化的办学理念,廖世承“民族本位”的办学宗旨;郭秉文治校风格为师生民主自治,廖世承采用师生相长的治校风格;郭秉文学科设置以多科并举为原则,廖世承采用重视师范性学科的设置理念;郭秉文强调教师广博的学术性,廖世承坚持教师精湛的专业性的原则;郭秉文在学生观上认为,应采用德育、智育、体育并举的培养目标,重世界交流合作,廖世承主张体育第一,智育、德育、体育渐重的培养目标,,强调培养学生的教育实验精神。 第三部分深入分析了郭秉文和廖世承师范教育思想对当今大学的启示,主要包括以下几个方面:尊重师生个性,以师生为主体,建立民主校风;师范院校学科建设要合理,教师培养目标多元化;重视师资建设,多渠道、多方式进行教师培养;教育国际化以民族本位为核心;教育要服务于社会,加强大学与社会的联系。 以上为本论文的主要内容,本文有助于进一步全面地认识郭秉文和廖世承两位著名教育家的师范教育思想,对于我国师范教育的发展有着重要的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:It has been more than 100 years since our normal education was imitated and transplanted into foreign countries, until the formation of an independent Chinese normal education system. As a famous educator in modern China, Guo Bingwen, as a famous educator in modern China, drew lessons from the American educational model. Under the guidance of this normal education thought, we have successfully transformed normal colleges and universities into a comprehensive university-southeast university. With their outstanding ideas and ways of running a school, the south normal university and the southeast university have become the southeastern part of the world. Liao Shicheng is a modern educationalist and psychologist in China. He has devoted his whole life to education. From the point of view of China's national conditions, Liao Shicheng pioneered the "independent setting up of normal universities." His concept of normal education plays an important role in the process of promoting the modernization of education. The combing and research of the two educationalists' ideas and ideas of running a school is conducive to the development of our higher education, especially normal education. The article is described in four parts:. The introduction explains the reason, significance, research status and research methods of Guo Bingwen and Liao Shicheng. The first part mainly traces the background of the formation of their normal education thoughts, introduces the two models of imitating Japan and imitating beauty in Chinese education in early 20th century, and reviews the causes and processes of the formation of Guo Bingwen's and Liao Shicheng's educational thoughts. Both have the experience of studying in the United States, and the educational thought is influenced by the traditional education and American higher education. The second part analyzes the similarities and differences of Guo Bingwen's and Liao Shicheng's teacher education thoughts, respectively from six aspects: normal school system view, school running idea, school management style, discipline setting, teacher view and student view. It mainly introduces Guo Bingwen's system view of "putting teachers' college into university", and Liao Shicheng advocates that normal college should be set up independently, Guo Bingwen's educational internationalization idea, Liao Shicheng's aim of running a school of "national standard"; Guo Bingwen's school management style is the democratic autonomy of teachers and students, Liao Shicheng adopts the school management style which is long between teachers and students, Guo Bingwen's subject is set up on the principle of multiple subjects, and Liao Shicheng adopts the idea of attaching importance to normal subjects. Guo Bingwen stressed the extensive academic nature of teachers, and Liao Shicheng insisted on the principle of teachers' consummate professionalism. Guo Bingwen held that moral education, intellectual education and physical education should be adopted as the training goals, and that the world should pay more attention to exchanges and cooperation. Liao Shicheng advocates the cultivation goal of physical education first, intellectual education, moral education and physical education, and emphasizes the cultivation of students' experimental spirit of education. The third part deeply analyzes the enlightenment of Guo Bingwen and Liao Shicheng's educational thought to the present university, which mainly includes the following aspects: respecting the personality of teachers and students, taking teachers and students as the main body, establishing a democratic school spirit, the discipline construction of normal colleges and universities should be reasonable, The goal of teacher training is diversified; teachers' construction, multi-channel and multi-way are emphasized; the core of education internationalization is ethnocentrism; education should serve the society and strengthen the connection between university and society. The above is the main content of this paper, this paper is helpful to further understand Guo Bingwen and Liao Shicheng's two famous educationists' teacher education thought, which has important reference function for the development of normal education in our country.


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