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发布时间:2018-02-14 18:58

  本文关键词: 系统动力学 大学生 网络游戏成瘾 影响因素 仿真建模 出处:《太原科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国网络游戏行业经历了近十年的发展,行业已经非常成熟,是中国互联网行业中的支柱型产业之一,,2011年中国客户端网游市场规模达370.6亿。随着网游市场的迅猛发展,大学学历这一群体依然是市场中的绝对主力。大学生是引领和追求新事物最活跃的群体,他们有着强烈的好奇心和求知欲,大学生还处于价值体系尚未建立的成长期,更易受到像网络游戏这样新事物的影响。然而,网络游戏是把双刃剑,网络游戏在满足娱乐需求的同时,也有因网络游戏成瘾所引起的一系列负面问题的发生,网络游戏成瘾成为影响大学生正常学习和生活的一个重要因素。 为了使大学生不再受网络游戏成瘾的危害,探索当前我国在校大学生网游成瘾的影响因素,并研究解决该问题的对策,在国内外关于大学生网络游戏成瘾研究的基础上,本文采用系统动力学的方法来解决这个问题。本文在剖析了目前大量关于网游成瘾引起的抢劫犯罪、跳楼、死亡等典型事例,在对以往专家学者的研究成果的基础上进行信息补充,结合我国目前大学生网络游戏成瘾的状况构建了影响因子的复杂因果关系体系,进一步揭示大学生网游成瘾的深层原因。 在系统分析影响网游成瘾因子体系的基础上,建立了相应的影响因素的系统仿真模型,运行系统动力学仿真软件Vensim-PLE,通过仿真子系统的预测水平,求出复杂系统中不同影响因子的实际作用率。并以此为基础,进而为引导大学生网游成瘾者合理使用网络、逐渐弱化或者戒除网瘾提出一些建设性的意见。针对相关因素采取积极有效的预防和控制措施,不仅要科学客观的认识我国网络游戏行业的发展,也要重视大学生的身心健康发展。
[Abstract]:China's online game industry has experienced nearly a decade of development, the industry has been very mature, is one of the mainstay industries in China's Internet industry, the scale of China's client online games market reached 37.06 billion in 2011. With the rapid development of the online gaming market, College education is still the absolute main force in the market. College students are the most active group in leading and pursuing new things. They have strong curiosity and desire for knowledge, and college students are still in the growing period of the value system that has not yet been established. It is more susceptible to new things like online games. However, online games are a double-edged sword. While online games meet the entertainment needs, there are also a series of negative problems caused by online game addiction. Online game addiction has become an important factor affecting the normal study and life of college students. In order to make college students no longer suffer the harm of internet game addiction, this paper explores the influencing factors of online game addiction of college students in our country, and studies the countermeasures to solve this problem, on the basis of the research on online game addiction of college students at home and abroad. This paper uses the method of system dynamics to solve this problem. This paper analyzes a large number of typical cases of robbery, jumping and death caused by internet game addiction. On the basis of the previous research results of experts and scholars, this paper constructs a complex causality system of influencing factors combined with the current situation of college students' addiction to online games in China, and further reveals the deep causes of college students' addiction to online games. Based on the systematic analysis of the factors affecting the addiction of online games, the system simulation model of the corresponding factors is established. The system dynamics simulation software Vensim-PLE is run, and the prediction level of the simulation subsystem is obtained. To find out the actual effect rate of different influencing factors in complex system, and on the basis of this, to guide the college students to use the internet rationally. Gradually weakening or abstinence from Internet addiction puts forward some constructive suggestions. To take active and effective prevention and control measures against relevant factors, we should not only scientifically and objectively understand the development of the online game industry in our country. We should also attach importance to the physical and mental development of college students.


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