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发布时间:2018-02-21 00:33

  本文关键词: 90后大学生 思想行为 特点 教育引导 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生思想政治教育的理论与实践创新,是解决高校“培养什么人”、“如何培养人”这一根本问题的客观要求。“90后”大学生已经成为大学生的主体,其思想品德的形成和发展影响着个体的成长,关系着国家的未来。本文以实证调研为基础,从一般表现、总体特征、群体差异三个角度立体、多维地研究90后大学生的个性特征,分析了90后大学生的政治、思想、道德状况及其特点,比较了不同年级、不同政治面貌90后大学生群体之间的差异,按照“把握特点,遵循规律,不断提高大学生思想政治教育工作科学化水平”的要求,结合已有理论研究成果和实践探索经验,对大学生思想政治教育的创新发展进行了新的探索。 自2008年开始,90后进入大学校园成为在校学生主体,90后大学生逐渐成为研究热点。已有研究主要集中在对90后大学生群体特点的总体概述,对90后大学生某一方面特点、学习生活中热点问题或某一特殊群体特点的专题研究,以及80后与90后的比较研究。这些研究,内容相当丰富,论题十分宽泛,但研究方法相对单一、简单,研究结论的科学性和研究成果的质量水平有待提升。笔者以已有研究成果为基础,科学运用问卷调查、访谈等实证研究方法,对90后大学生思想行为表现及其特点进行了系统研究。 调查表明,90后大学生思想政治状况的主流是积极向上的,他们政治立场坚定、国家观念明确,政治关注度较高。同时,他们理想信念有淡化的倾向,入党动机的多元性与功利性凸显;他们有着较高的道德认知和道德追求,但在社会现实的冲击下,道德观念容易发生动摇,在行为取舍中对现实利益有较多考量,道德践履程度较低;他们人生态度积极,有着强烈的自我意识和自主意识,价值观念开放包容,且实用取向日趋明显。此外,他们心理素质整体较好,但抗挫能力较差。总的说来,90后大学生在政治观念与政治参与,道德意识与道德行为,人生态度与价值选择等方面表现出明显的多元性、矛盾性、自我性、务实性和不确定性等特点,而且不同性别、年级、专业、政治面貌、家庭环境的学生群体的思想行为特点存在显著差异。 针对90后大学生的思想行为特点及群体差异,教育引导90后大学生必须针对对象特点,树立个体适应性的教育要求;回应现实需要,拓展大学生思想政治教育的内容体系;把握工作重点,把思想政治教育贯穿党建工作全过程;占领媒体阵地,扩大网络思想政治教育的覆盖面。
[Abstract]:The theoretical and practical innovation of college students' ideological and political education is the objective requirement to solve the fundamental problems of "who to train" and "how to cultivate people". The formation and development of its ideological and moral character affect the growth of individuals and the future of the country. This paper studies the personality characteristics of post-90s college students, analyzes the political, ideological, moral status and characteristics of post-90s college students, compares the differences between different grades and different political features of post-90s college students, and according to the characteristics of "grasp the characteristics," In accordance with the law and constantly improving the scientific level of the ideological and political education of college students, this paper makes a new exploration on the innovation and development of the ideological and political education of college students in combination with the existing theoretical research results and practical exploration experiences. Since 2008, the post-90s college students have become the main body of students, and the post-90s college students have gradually become the research hotspot. The previous studies have mainly focused on the general overview of the characteristics of post-90s college students, and on some aspects of the characteristics of post-90s college students. Special studies on hot topics or characteristics of a particular group, and comparative studies of post-80s and post-90s. These studies are rich in content and very broad in topic, but the research methods are relatively simple and simple. The scientific nature of the research conclusion and the quality level of the research results need to be improved. Based on the existing research results, the author scientifically applies the empirical research methods, such as questionnaire, interviews, etc. This paper makes a systematic study on the ideological and behavioral performance and characteristics of post-1990 college students. The survey shows that the mainstream of the ideological and political situation of post-90s college students is positive, their political stand is firm, their national concept is clear, and their political attention is relatively high. At the same time, they tend to downplay their ideals and beliefs. They have higher moral cognition and moral pursuit, but under the impact of the social reality, the moral concept is easy to waver, and they have more consideration for the actual interests in the course of behavior choice. They have a positive attitude towards life, a strong sense of self-awareness and autonomy, open and inclusive values, and increasingly obvious practical orientation. In addition, they have a better overall psychological quality. But the ability to resist frustration is poor. Generally speaking, the post-90s college students show obvious pluralism, contradiction and self in the aspects of political concept and political participation, moral consciousness and moral behavior, life attitude and value choice, etc. There are significant differences in the ideological and behavioral characteristics of students with different gender, grade, specialty, political outlook and family environment. In view of the ideological and behavioral characteristics and group differences of post-90s college students, education should aim at the characteristics of the objects, set up the educational requirements of individual adaptability, respond to the needs of reality, and expand the content system of ideological and political education of college students. Grasp the focus of the work, put ideological and political education through the whole process of party building, occupy the media position and expand the coverage of network ideological and political education.


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1 武汉大学中国大学生思想政治教育发展研究中心 谢朱 佟沈;[N];光明日报;2012年




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