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发布时间:2018-02-22 16:14

  本文关键词: 独立学院 转设 政策执行 出处:《四川师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:独立学院是指由普通本科高校按照新机制、新机制、模式建立的二级学院,就优质的社会资金与优质的教育资源的结合,作为高等教育领域产生的一种新型的办学组织形式。1999年4月22日浙江省普通高校第一所二级学院——宁波大学科学技术学院成立以后,独立学院这种新的办学形式在全国各省如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,呈现一片欣欣向荣之态。“尽管在二级学院的发展过程中社会争议很多,但国家教育主管部门一直没有就此做过肯定或否定的表态,直至2003年教育部从我国高等教育的大局出发,充分分析了这种新的高等教育发展形式的必要性,同时也认真考察了二级学院发展的现状及其存在的问题,”①于2003年4月23日颁布了《关于规范并加强普通高校以新的机制和模式试办独立学院管理的若干意见》(教发[2003]8号)(简称8号文)作为加强二级学院管理、规范二级学院办学活动的基本政策。8号文中首次提出了“独立学院”的概念,将其定义为“由普通本科高校按新机制、新模式举办的本科层次的二级学院”②此后教育部对全国各地的公办民助二级学院进行了清理,2004年,共有259所批准为独立学院。 2008年教育部出台了《独立学院设置与管理办法》(教发[2008]26号)(简称26号令)并在随后的《关于〈独立学院设置与管理办法的工作说明》中明确指出“符合普通本科高等学校设置标准的,可申请转设民办高等学校,颁发民办教育办学许可证。”③这就意味着独立学院即将结束对母体高校的“依附期”,,要彻底脱离母体转设成民办本科高校。国内独立学院对这一政策所持有的态度各有不同,转设成民办高校对于独立学院而言到底是毁灭性的打击还是一次发展的机遇?在此项教育政策的执行过程中各个方面的利益相关者各自的利益诉求如何体现?不同地区的独立学院在政策执行过程中遇到的怎样的阻碍?论文通过深度访谈和资料分析对颇具代表性的几个省份的独立学院转设政策执行的情况进行解析,基于利益相关者的角度分析政策执行中发生偏差的原因。以期为当下我国独立学院转设政策执行提供借鉴和参考的依据。
[Abstract]:Independent college refers to the combination of high quality social funds and high quality educational resources established by ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities in accordance with new mechanisms, new mechanisms, and models. As a new form of school organization in the field of higher education, after the establishment of Ningbo University School of Science and Technology, the first secondary college of ordinary universities in Zhejiang Province in April 22nd 1999, This new form of running independent colleges has sprung up in all provinces of the country, showing a thriving state. "although there are many social controversies in the development of secondary colleges, However, the national education authorities have not made a positive or negative stand on this issue until 2003, when the Ministry of Education, proceeding from the overall situation of China's higher education, fully analyzed the necessity of this new form of higher education development. At the same time, it also makes a careful study of the current situation of the development of secondary colleges and their existing problems. "on April 23rd 2003, I promulgated the opinions on standardizing and strengthening the Management of Independent Colleges in Colleges and Universities with New mechanisms and models." [2003] No.8 (abbreviated as 8) as a way to strengthen the management of secondary colleges, The concept of "independent college" is first put forward in the eighth paper, which is defined as "by the new mechanism of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities". Since then, the Ministry of Education has cleaned up the government-sponsored secondary colleges in various parts of the country. In 2004, a total of 259 colleges were approved as independent colleges. In 2008, the Ministry of Education issued the "measures for the Establishment and Management of Independent Colleges" (decree no. 26), issued by the Ministry of Education [2008] 26, and clearly stated in the subsequent "work Note on the Establishment and Management of Independent Colleges" that "is in conformity with the ordinary undergraduate course". Setting standards for institutions of higher learning, May apply for the transfer of private institutions of higher learning, "3. This means that independent colleges are about to end their" attachment period "to their parent institutions, and they should be completely separated from their parent bodies and set up as private undergraduate institutions. Independent colleges in China have different attitudes towards this policy. Is it a devastating blow or an opportunity to develop into a private university for an independent college? In the implementation of this education policy, how are the stakeholders' interests reflected in the implementation of the education policy? What are the obstacles encountered by independent colleges in different regions in implementing policies? Through in-depth interviews and data analysis, the paper analyzes the implementation of the policy of transferring independent colleges in several representative provinces. This paper analyzes the causes of deviation in policy implementation from the perspective of stakeholders in order to provide a reference and reference basis for the transfer of policy implementation to independent colleges in China.


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