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发布时间:2018-02-23 21:37

  本文关键词: 高校教师 转基因技术 认知 态度 购买意愿 行为导向 出处:《华中农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, GMO technology has developed rapidly, but it has been accompanied by great controversy. The public's knowledge and attitude towards GMOs and their willingness to buy GMOs have also been the focus of research. On the one hand, college teachers and researchers, as the general public, their cognition and attitude towards GM technology affect the acceptance of GM crops in the market. On the other hand, because some university teachers and researchers are directly engaged in the research of transgenic technology, its research progress on transgenic technology, The industrialization of transgenic crops and the establishment of relevant laws and regulations of transgenic crops have an important impact. Therefore, we have made a thorough investigation and study on the cognition and attitude of 100 university teachers and researchers in Wuhan. Trying to understand the cognition of college teachers and researchers on transgenic technology, This paper analyzes the factors that affect the attitude of college teachers and researchers towards GM technology and the willingness to purchase GMFs. By analyzing the factors that affect GMFs' willingness to purchase GMF, some suggestions can be put forward. This paper focuses on the following aspects: first, the use of descriptive statistics to analyze the respondents' understanding of GM technology, including agricultural transgenic technology in ensuring national food security, To improve the understanding of environmental effects, whether there are food safety problems, ethical issues and environmental issues in agricultural transgenic technology, and then analyze the correlation between the respondents' cognition of GM technology and their individual characteristics. Individual characteristics include gender, age, education level, professional title and research field. The second is to analyze the attitude of interviewees to transgenic technology. According to the necessity of developing agricultural transgenic technology in China, the attitude of interviewees on transgenic technology is measured, and the influence of the cognition of interviewees on their attitudes is analyzed. Thirdly, the quantitative analysis of the factors influencing the interviewees' willingness to purchase GMF is carried out, and the ordered Logistic regression analysis is adopted. Based on the existing research, the theoretical framework of this study is established, and the attitude of GMO technology is emphatically studied. The effects of GM knowledge, external information evaluation and safety management regulations on the purchase intention of interviewees. The results show that there are differences in the cognition of GMO technology among the respondents in different research fields. The necessity of developing GMO technology is related to gender, title and research field, the role of GMO technology and the attitude of risk cognition to GMO technology. The willingness of respondents to purchase genetically modified foods was influenced by the extent to which the government regulated the safety management of GM technology, the knowledge of GMO and the attitude of the interviewees towards GMOs. However, the external information evaluation did not significantly affect their willingness to purchase GM foods; there were differences in their willingness to purchase GMFs of different types and traits. Finally, This paper puts forward some policy suggestions on how to strengthen the propaganda and popularization of transgenic technology and how to improve the standard degree of management of agricultural transgenic technology.


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