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发布时间:2018-02-24 11:41

  本文关键词: 安全基地启动 病理性网络使用 情绪启动效应 出处:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:安全基地启动是指通过情境激活被试的安全依恋表征,提高依恋安全感的一种方法。它能够激活个体的积极情绪,并对消极情绪具有修复作用,对个体行为产生积极的影响。对于病理性网络使用大学生群体而言,他们较少体验到积极情绪,容易受到负性信息的影响。由此我们推测,安全基地启动对病理性网络使用大学生的情绪调节可能具有重要作用。研究主要探讨了病理性网络使用大学生的积极情绪的启动和消极情绪的修复作用。研究以某高校大学生为样本,在病理性网络使用的概念及诊断的基础上选取实验被试,以母子图、笑脸图和茶杯、帽子图片为启动刺激,运用安全基地启动范式激活病理性网络使用大学生的安全依恋表征,通过被试对目标刺激的评价来考察安全基地启动对情绪的积极影响。 首先,研究一主要探讨了安全基地启动病理性网络使用大学生积极效应以及该效应的产生是意识层面的还是无意识的。研究引入阈限变量和启动类型两个变量,其中阈限为组间变量,启动类型为组内变量。接着,在研究一的基础上,研究二引入情境这一自变量,主要探讨面临威胁情境时安全基地的对消极情绪的修复作用,以及依恋类型对安全基地启动效应是否具有调节作用。 通过两部分研究,得出的结论如下: (1)个体在安全基地启动下对目标刺激的评价比在积极启动和中性启动下更加积极。由此说明安全基地启动能够激发病理性网络使用大学生的积极情绪,,即存在安全基地启动效应。 (2)在意识层面,安全基地启动对病理性网络使用大学生积极情绪的激活效果优于积极启动类型;意识不到启动刺激的情况下,安全基地启动对积极情绪的启动效果与积极启动相似。这说明只有在个体感知到具体情境的情况下,安全基地效应才会出现。 (3)当个体面临威胁情境时,安全基地启动对病理性网络使用大学生的消极情绪具有修复作用,它能够改善负性信息给个体带来的消极影响。 (4)依恋类型对安全基地启动效应的调节作用不显著,即安全基地启动效应独立于依恋类型。不论病理性网络使用大学生的依恋类型属于安全型或不安全型,安全基地启动均能够激活个体的积极情绪,修复消极情绪。
[Abstract]:Safety base priming is a method to enhance the security of attachment by activating the safe attachment representation of the subjects in the situation. It can activate the positive emotion of the individual and has the effect of repairing the negative emotion. It has a positive effect on individual behavior. For the college students who use pathological network, they experience less positive emotion and are vulnerable to negative information. The activation of safety base may play an important role in the emotional regulation of college students using pathological network. The study mainly discusses the positive emotion priming and negative emotion repairing effect of pathological network use college students. A college student is a sample. On the basis of the concept and diagnosis of pathological network use, the subjects were selected. The mother and child pictures, smiling face pictures and teacup, hat pictures were used as priming stimuli, and the safe base priming paradigm was used to activate the safety attachment representation of college students in pathological network. The positive effects of base priming on emotion were investigated by evaluating the target stimulation. First of all, the first study mainly discusses the positive effect of the use of the pathological network in the safe base and whether the effect is conscious or unconscious. The study introduces two variables: threshold variable and startup type. The threshold is the inter-group variable, and the type of priming is the intra-group variable. Then, on the basis of the first study, the second study introduces the independent variable of the situation, mainly discusses the role of the security base in repairing the negative emotion in the face of the threat situation. And whether the attachment type has a regulatory effect on the safety base priming effect. Through two parts of the study, the conclusions are as follows:. 1) the evaluation of target stimulation by individuals at the start of the safe base was more active than that under the positive and neutral start, which indicated that the activation of the safe base could stimulate the positive emotion of the university students who used the pathological network. That is, the existence of a security base activation effect. 2) at the level of consciousness, the activation effect of safety base on the positive emotion of college students using pathological network is better than the type of positive priming. The priming effect of safe base priming on positive emotion is similar to that of positive priming, which indicates that the safe base effect will only appear when the individual perceives the specific situation. 3) when an individual is faced with a threat situation, the activation of the security base can repair the negative emotion of the university students using pathological network, and it can improve the negative influence of the negative information on the individual. 4) the effect of attachment type on the priming effect of safe base is not significant, that is, the effect of safe base priming is independent of attachment type. The activation of the safe base can activate the positive emotion of the individual and repair the negative emotion.


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