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发布时间:2018-02-25 09:47

  本文关键词: 中国大学 英国大学 大学自治 学术权力 行政权力 出处:《燕山大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, great achievements have been made in the reform of China's higher education, but there are still many contradictions and problems that can not be ignored. Especially since China's entry into WTO, economic globalization has affected China's politics and economy. Culture and other aspects are a great challenge. The level of university development in a country can to a large extent reflect the comprehensive national strength of a country. Although Chinese universities have achieved some development, But there is still a long way to go to become a world-class institution of higher education. Britain's higher education has a long history and is at the leading level in the world, providing a large number of high-quality talents for the political, economic and social development of the United Kingdom. This paper, by comparing the management system of Chinese and British universities, focuses on finding out the deficiencies of the management system of Chinese universities in order to find some suitable for the development of higher education in China. The management system and model that can be used for reference can give some enlightenment to the development of Chinese universities. This paper focuses on the comparison of the development process and management system of Chinese and British universities, and compares the various aspects of the universities of the two countries. Discover the malpractice of the management system of Chinese universities, draw lessons from the advanced university management system in Britain, and promote the reform of the management system of Chinese universities. The article is divided into five parts as follows: the first part mainly combs the current domestic and international discussion on the management system of Chinese and British universities, and puts forward the research idea, research angle and innovation of this paper; The second part mainly expounds the development course and present situation of Chinese universities and British universities. The third part compares the management system of universities in the two countries in detail, mainly on the relationship between universities and governments, the establishment of faculties and departments in the two countries. Comparison of funding sources, management models and teaching methods; part 4th describes the problems faced by the reform of the management system of Chinese universities; part 5th focuses on the problems of the management system of Chinese universities. The corresponding countermeasures are put forward. It is necessary not only to draw lessons from the advanced system of British universities, but also to combine with the actual situation in China, in line with the development of Chinese universities themselves.


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