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发布时间:2018-02-26 08:19

  本文关键词: 高校大学生 就业指导工作 思想教育 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,大学生就业问题越来越受到社会各界的关注。特别是自高校扩招以来,呈现出越来越严峻的就业形势,这也就使得目前大学毕业生的就业择业问题成为各高校和社会各界讨论的热点话题。大学生是国家的未来和民族的希望,是宝贵的人才资源,是未来承担国家富强、民族复兴的重任的主力军,所以解决大学生的就业问题直接影响着我国高等教育今后是否能稳定的发展,甚至影响着我国社会的稳定和和谐。在大学生的就业指导工作中加强有关思想教育的内容,有利于缓解当今大学生的就业压力,对保障大学生顺利就业有着重要的理论和现实意义。 目前各大高校在实施思想教育的过程中,并未实现其系统化,而是仅仅局限于毕业生的就业指导教育,忽略了思想教育的重要作用。本文从当今的就业形势出发,结合大学生的心理、思想问题,经过实际的调查研究,强调就业指导工作中加强思想教育的重要性。本文的最终目的是通过研究分析,探索针对大学生就业指导中加强思想教育工作切实可行的办法,缓解就业压力,保障社会和谐。 本文研究进行了问卷调查、随机访问等方式,调查大学生择业的现状,重点关注了大学生就业的价值观、方式与途径,并进行了大学生对高等学校进行就业指导工作的态度、评价等调查等调查。深入到就业指导工作中,深入到学生当中,深入了解当前学校在就业指导工作中存在的问题,大学生就业指导工作中思想教育机制的探讨。 本文主要从五个方面展开论述: 第一部分主要分析了大学生就业指导工作中思想教育的研究意义、国内外的研究现状,以及本文主要的研究方法和研究创新点。 第二部分主要分析了思想教育工作在大学生就业指导工作中的地位与作用。通过阐述,更加明确了在大学生就业指导中加强思想教育,是落实国家教育方针的有效措施,这不仅有利于大学生树立正确的价值观、人生观,使其实现自己的奋斗目标,做到更好地服务于社会,更有利于高校思想教育工作方向的确定和社会主义的和谐构建。 第三部分主要进行了大学生就业指导中思想教育的现状分析。其中分别对:当前大学生就业指导工作中思想教育已经取得的成绩,大学生就业指导工作中思想教育工作存在的问题及原因进行了研究。通过问题的提出更加突出在大学生就业指导工作中进行思想教育工作的必要性和重要性。 第四部分从加强正确的择业观教育、加强大学生就业心理健康和法制教育、加强大学生就业诚信教育、加强大学生的公民道德与职业道德教育、加强大学生的创业观教育,,五个方面的内容来进一步完善大学生就业指导工作思想教育的工作内容。 第五部分从加强思想教育的队伍建设、创新就业指导中思想教育的方法和手段、健全就业指导中思想教育的载体、健全大学生思想教育的机制,五个方面的新途径来确保大学生就业指导中加强思想教育的顺利开展和取得良好效果。
[Abstract]:In recent years , the problem of college graduates ' employment has been more and more concerned by all walks of life . Especially since college enrollment , it has become a hot topic to be discussed in various universities and social sectors . It is the hope of the future and nation of the country . It is a valuable resource for the future and the national revival . Therefore , it is a valuable resource to solve the problem of college students ' employment . It is helpful to solve the problem of college students ' employment . It is helpful to alleviate the employment pressure of college students . It is of great theoretical and practical significance to guarantee the smooth employment of college students . In the process of implementing ideological education , colleges and universities have not realized their systemization , but only limited to the graduates ' employment guidance education , neglected the important role of ideological education . In this paper , based on the present employment situation , combined with the psychological and ideological problems of college students , the paper emphasizes the importance of strengthening ideological education in the work of employment guidance . The final aim of this paper is to explore the practical ways of strengthening ideological education in the guidance of college students ' employment , to alleviate the pressure of employment and to guarantee social harmony . This paper studies the current situation of college students ' employment in the way of questionnaire , random access and so on . It focuses on the values , ways and ways of college students ' employment , and makes a survey of the attitude , evaluation and so on of college students ' employment guidance work in colleges and universities . In - depth study of the employment guidance , the deep understanding of the problems existing in the employment guidance work of the current school , the discussion of the mechanism of ideological education in the employment guidance of college students . This paper mainly discusses from five aspects : The first part mainly analyzes the research significance of ideological education in college students ' employment guidance , the research situation at home and abroad , and the main research methods and research innovation points in this paper . The second part mainly analyzes the position and function of ideological and educational work in the employment guidance of college students . Through the elaboration , it is more clear that the strengthening of ideological education in college students ' employment guidance is an effective measure to implement the national education policy . This is not only beneficial to the students to set up the correct values , the outlook on life , make them achieve their own goals , better serve the society , but also contribute to the determination of the direction of ideological and educational work in colleges and universities and the harmonious construction of socialism . The third part mainly analyzes the present situation of ideological education in college students ' employment guidance . In the fourth part , we should strengthen college students ' job - oriented education , strengthen college students ' professional ethics and professional ethics education , strengthen the education of college students ' entrepreneurship education and five aspects to further improve the ideological and educational work of college students ' employment guidance . The fifth part , from strengthening the team construction of ideological education , innovating the methods and means of ideological education in the guidance of employment , perfecting the carrier of ideological education in the guidance of employment , perfecting the mechanism of college students ' ideological education , and the new ways of five aspects to ensure the smooth development and good results of the ideological education in college students ' employment guidance .



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