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发布时间:2018-02-26 13:10

  本文关键词: 国立西北联合大学 国立西北师范学院 社会教育 困境 出处:《西北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This thesis focuses on the process of relocation from Peiping to northwestern China, which was started in 1937 by National Peiping normal University, National Peiping University and National Bei Yang Institute of Technology. This paper explores the National Xi'an temporary University, which was set up after the three schools moved to Xi'an in 1937, moved to the National Northwest Union University in Chenggu County, Shaanxi Province, half a year later, and reorganized the National Northwest United University in 1939. The first part of the article focuses on the key points of the independent National Northwest normal College. How did the group of teachers and students who moved to the northwest of Peiping smoothly integrate into the process of moving into the area. There is a process of acceptance of strange foreign groups in a region. If the teachers and students cannot handle the relationship with the local residents well, Because of the special nature of the teachers and students, they can make full use of their cultural advantages, such as conducting various social activities to enhance communication and understanding with the local people. In the efforts to improve the local cultural level at the same time propagandized themselves, so that the school in a strange environment to maintain a good relationship with the local people. Next, according to the development of the third school in Peiping northwestern development, The last part of the paper studies the independent establishment of the National Northwest normal College after the reorganization of the National Northwest Union University. The main concern is how to deal with the relationship between the people of Chenggu County and the National Northwest normal College, the difficulties encountered in the process of moving to Lanzhou, Gansu Province after the National Northwest normal College moved to Lanzhou, Gansu Province under the order of the Ministry of Education. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, the National Northwest normal College of the three problems.


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