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发布时间:2018-02-26 15:38

  本文关键词: 网络文化 大学生 道德信仰 出处:《湖北工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The popularization of the Internet and the rapid development of mobile Internet devices not only bring a new way of life to human beings, but also give birth to a new kind of culture-the network culture. While culture and society bring about development, it also has a profound influence on the ideology and moral consciousness of college students in our country. College students are the backbone of the development of the motherland. Their ideological consciousness and moral level directly affect our future socialist construction. Moral belief is not only an important part of ideological and political education, It is also the moral foundation and spiritual support of social harmony. College students are the largest group using the Internet, and the multi-cultural coexistence in the network, different ideological trends and all kinds of bad phenomena will all affect the way of thinking of college students. Value judgment and behavior style have different influence on moral cognition, emotion and will of college students in China. Therefore, this paper studies the influence of network culture on college students' moral belief and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. It is of great significance to perfect the theory of ideological and political education and to promote the all-round development of college students. This study sums up the connotation of network culture and moral belief by summarizing and combing the relevant documents of network culture and moral belief. In order to better reveal the influence of network culture on college students' moral cognition, emotion and will, through the investigation and analysis of college students' network life and moral belief, The following conclusions are drawn: the status of moral belief of contemporary college students presents a positive, healthy and upward situation. Networking has become a normal life for college students, and has caused a certain impact on the moral beliefs of college students. The main manifestations are: weakening the moral cognition of college students, paralyzing their moral feelings and dispelling their moral will. Finally, this study is based on the perspective of society, school and college students. This paper puts forward the strategies of cultivating college students' moral belief under the network culture environment: carrying forward the excellent network culture, strengthening the moral cognition of the university students, purifying the network culture environment, cultivating the moral sentiment of the university students and improving the network information literacy. Temper the moral will of college students.


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