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发布时间:2018-02-27 12:22

  本文关键词: 文化 价值观 文化模式 大学生 出处:《西安外国语大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:文化的变迁,流失与文化保护并不是新鲜的话题。从传统上讲,中国文化是集体主义的,高语境的,长期导向的文化。而如今全球化语境下,中国文化越来越多的吸纳了来自别国的文化因素。 大多数当代大学生都属于80后或90后这两代人。他们成长于一个强调变革的时代。当时中国政府刚开始实施计划生育政策。改革开放的指导方针也正方兴未艾。这些也是造成大学生文化模式与父辈们不尽相同的一部分原因。也正是这种种不同使这个群体饱受诟病。大学生是一个国家受教育程度最高的群体。他们对国家的发展和进步有着举足轻重的作用。所以搞清楚他们究竟怎样不同将会有利于我们更好的理解和引导这个群体。与此同时,,通过对当代大学生文化模式的探讨,也有助于增进我们对中国文化模式变化趋势的了解。 本文的目的在于以文化模式作为衡量标准探讨当前大学生文化价值观的变化。以实证研究为基本方法,研究分为两个阶段进行。第一个阶段通过问卷调查的形式比较了中国大学生与美国大学生在文化模式上的相同以及不同之处。该问卷共有28道与文化模式相关的问题。通过平均值的比较以及独立样本T检测,笔者发现当代大学生在权力距离、不定性规避、自我放纵以及交际中对语境的依赖性等方面展现出了与美国大学生比较明显的同一性。 第二个阶段的研究目的是衡量性别和地域的差异对文化模式产生的影响。从统计的角度来看,这两种因素对文化模式均没有显著地影响。但是通过各个文化模式上男性受试者和女性受试者平均值的观察,笔者发现女性受试者作为一个群体更好的保留了传统的中国文化价值观。而在城市地区成长的受试者则比在农村地区成长的受试者表现出更多对美国文化模式的认可。
[Abstract]:Cultural change, loss and cultural protection are not new topics. Traditionally, Chinese culture is collectivist, highly contextual, and long-term oriented. But now in the context of globalization, More and more Chinese culture has absorbed cultural factors from other countries. Most contemporary college students belong to the post-80s or post-90s generation. They grew up in an era of emphasis on change. At that time, the Chinese government began to implement a family planning policy. The guidelines for reform and opening up are also in the ascendant. These are some of the reasons why the cultural pattern of college students is different from that of their parents. It is these differences that make this group highly criticized. College students are the most educated group in the country. Home development and progress play an important role. So figuring out how different they really are will help us better understand and guide this group. At the same time, Through the discussion of contemporary college students' cultural model, it is helpful to enhance our understanding of the changing trend of Chinese cultural model. The purpose of this paper is to explore the change of college students' cultural values by using the cultural model as a measure, and take the empirical research as the basic method. The study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, we compared the similarities and differences between Chinese college students and American college students in cultural patterns by means of a questionnaire survey. There are 28 related cultural patterns in this questionnaire. Through the comparison of mean values and independent sample T detection, The author finds that the contemporary college students show a distinct identity with American college students in the aspects of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, self-indulgence and the dependence on context in communication. The second phase of the study is to measure the impact of gender and geographical differences on cultural patterns. These two factors had no significant effect on the cultural patterns, but the average values of male and female subjects were observed in each cultural model. The author found that female subjects as a group better retained the traditional Chinese cultural values, while those growing up in urban areas showed more recognition of the American cultural model than those growing up in rural areas.


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