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发布时间:2018-02-28 00:50

  本文关键词: 高校辅导员 专业标准 素质 价值 基本依据 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的人生导师、知心朋友,责任重大,使命光荣。辅导员职业不是一般的简单职业,具有专业性和不可替代性,对其从业人员素质有着特殊的要求和较高的标准规定,这是区别于一般职业的一个特征,也是其成为专业的一个重要标志。那么,作为这一专业领域的从业人员要符合的专业素质和严格要求是什么?这就必须通过辅导员的专业标准来规范和要求。只有达到辅导员专业标准的人才能进入辅导员队伍的行列从事辅导员职业。高校辅导员专业标准,即是衡量专业素质的一把标尺,是对辅导员这一专门职业的从业人员所应达到的素质标准的规定,是对合格辅导员专业素质的整体要求。这对于加强辅导员队伍的管理、提高辅导员队伍的整体素质、保障高校学生工作的发展具有重要意义。 本文围绕辅导员专业标准,从为什么要制定标准、如何制定标准、制定怎样的一个标准三大部分递进展开论述,具体包括三个部分内容:第一部分,阐述了制定高校辅导员专业标准的价值定位,阐明了这是落实《教育规划纲要》精神的重要举措,顺应了高等教育改革发展的需要,对于指导大学生健康成长和全面发展、提升大学生思想政治教育的成效有着重要意义,同时也是提高辅导员队伍整体素质的重要依据。第二部分,说明本文在尝试构建高校辅导员专业标准的研究过程中的基本依据。高校辅导员专业标准的构建应以国家出台的相关政策文件为导向,以研究认清高校辅导员角色为前提,以明确辅导员职能分工为基础。第三部分,尝试提出了高校辅导员专业标准的具体内容,主要从辅导员的基本素质、知识素质、职业道德和专业能力几个角度来分析高校辅导员的素质应达到的专业标准有哪些,以期对促进辅导员队伍建设和发展提供可操作性的指导。
[Abstract]:College counselors are the backbone of college students' ideological and political education, the healthy growth of college students' life mentors, intimate friends, heavy responsibility, glorious mission. Counselors are not a simple career, professional and irreplaceable. The quality of its employees has special requirements and higher standards, which is different from the general occupation, and it is also an important symbol of its becoming a profession. What are the professional qualities and strict requirements of the practitioners in this professional field? Only those who meet the professional standards of counselors can enter the ranks of counselors to engage in the profession of counsellors. That is, it is a yardstick to measure the professional quality, the regulation of the quality standard which should be reached by the professional staff of the counsellor, and the overall requirement of the professional quality of the qualified counsellor, which is necessary to strengthen the management of the counsellor team. It is of great significance to improve the overall quality of counselors and ensure the development of student work in colleges and universities. This paper focuses on the professional standards of counselors, from why to make standards, how to formulate standards, what kind of standard to develop three parts of progressive discussion, specifically including three parts: the first part, This paper expounds the value orientation of formulating professional standards for college counselors, expounds that this is an important measure to carry out the spirit of the outline of Education Planning, conforms to the needs of the reform and development of higher education, and guides the healthy growth and all-round development of college students. It is of great significance to improve the effect of ideological and political education of college students, and it is also an important basis for improving the overall quality of the counselors. It explains the basic basis of this paper in the course of trying to construct the professional standard of college counselors. The construction of professional standard of college counselors should be guided by the relevant policy documents issued by the country, and the premise is to study and recognize the role of counselors in colleges and universities. The third part tries to put forward the specific content of college counselors' professional standards, mainly from the basic quality of counselors, knowledge quality, The professional ethics and professional ability of college counselors should be analyzed from the professional standards which should be reached in order to promote the construction and development of counselors to provide operational guidance.


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