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发布时间:2018-02-28 03:48

  本文关键词: 新疆高校 大学生 四个认同 出处:《喀什师范学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:新疆地处我国西北边疆,亚欧大陆中心地带,周边与8个国家接壤,是我国西北的重要门户,战略位置极其重要。当前,新疆的经济社会发展处于历史最好时期,新疆的发展面临前所未有的历史机遇,同时,新疆的发展也面临着前所未有的严峻挑战。新疆所处的地缘政治环境极其复杂,,以美国为首的西方敌对势力和其支持下的民族分裂势力从来没有放弃过对我国实施“西化”和“分化”的战略图谋,从来没有停止对新疆实施分裂破坏活动。新疆所处的复杂地缘政治环境及其特殊复杂的区情决定了在新疆开展“四个认同”教育具有极其重要的意义。新疆各高校一直以来都非常重视对各民族大学生进行“四个认同”教育,在教育实践过程中积累了非常丰富的经验,新疆高校的专家、学者也从不同的角度对“四个认同”教育这一课题进行了有益的探索,取得了很多积极的、独创性的研究成果。然而,由于受各种因素的影响,新疆高校的四个认同教育在理论上还没有形成一个科学完善的体系,在教育实践中还存在不少问题。 本论文以马克思主义基本原理为指导,综合运用民族学、教育学、社会学、政治学等多学科知识,坚持理论和实践相统一的原则,深刻阐述了“四个认同”的深刻内涵以及在新疆高校开展“四个认同”宣传教育的重要意义,从“四个认同”形成的内在机制和社会机制的角度分析了“四个认同”意识形成的内在规律,并通过对新疆高校大学生“四个认同”教育现状的深入调查和分析,一方面总结新疆高校在“四个认同”教育中积累的丰富实践经验,对“四个认同”教育方面的研究成果进行梳理和总结。另一方面发现并认真研究了“四个认同”教育中存在的问题和不足,认真分析了问题产生的原因,在阅读大量相关理论研究成果的基础上,进行了深入的理论思考和经验总结,提出了加强新疆高校“四个认同”教育的有针对性的对策和建议。本论文作为研究“四个认同”教育的研究成果为丰富和完善具有新疆特色的思想政治教育理论体系提供有益的借鉴,为新时期新疆高校提高“四个认同”教育的针对性和时效性提供重要的理论依据和经验依托。
[Abstract]:Xinjiang is located in the northwest frontier of China, the center of the Eurasian continent, bordering on 8 countries. Xinjiang is an important gateway and strategic position in northwest China. At present, Xinjiang's economic and social development is in the best period in history. The development of Xinjiang is facing unprecedented historical opportunities, and at the same time, the development of Xinjiang is also facing unprecedented severe challenges. The geopolitical environment in which Xinjiang is located is extremely complex. The hostile forces in the West led by the United States and the national splittist forces supported by them have never given up their strategic plans to "westernize" and "divide" our country. The complex geopolitical environment in Xinjiang and its special complex regional conditions have decided that it is of great significance to carry out the "four identity" education in Xinjiang. The school has always attached great importance to the "four identities" education for college students from various nationalities. In the course of educational practice, we have accumulated very rich experience. Experts and scholars of Xinjiang universities and colleges have also made useful explorations on the subject of "four identity" education from different angles, and have obtained a lot of positive results. However, due to the influence of various factors, the four identity education in Xinjiang universities has not formed a scientific and perfect system in theory, and there are still many problems in educational practice. This thesis is guided by the basic principles of Marxism, comprehensively applies ethnology, pedagogy, sociology, political science and other multidisciplinary knowledge, and adheres to the principle of the unity of theory and practice. The profound connotation of the "four identities" and the significance of carrying out the propaganda and education of the "four identities" in Xinjiang colleges and universities are expounded. From the perspective of the internal mechanism and social mechanism of the formation of "four identity", this paper analyzes the internal law of the formation of "four identity" consciousness, and through the in-depth investigation and analysis of the present situation of the "four identity" education of university students in Xinjiang. On the one hand, summing up the rich practical experience accumulated in the "four identity" education in Xinjiang universities, On the other hand, it finds and seriously studies the problems and deficiencies in the education of "four identity", and analyzes the causes of the problems. On the basis of reading a large number of related theoretical research results, in-depth theoretical thinking and experience summary, The paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the education of "four identity" in Xinjiang universities. As the research result of "four identity" education in Xinjiang, this paper enriches and consummates the theory of ideological and political education with Xinjiang characteristics. The system provides useful lessons, It provides important theoretical basis and empirical support for Xinjiang universities to improve the pertinence and timeliness of "four identity" education in the new period.


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