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发布时间:2018-02-28 05:44

  本文关键词: 大学扩招 用工荒 就业难 高等教育 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,“用工荒”与“就业难”问题愈演愈烈。中国式的用工荒与就业难问题产生的根源是什么?这一问题引发了国内学者的广泛争论。学者们认为协调好这对矛盾,在于调整产业结构、转变就业观念、对大学生与农民工给予人文关怀及完善国家制度保障等。本文从高等教育的角度出发,研究大学扩招对用工荒、就业难的影响关系,并进行了实证分析。这对于化解用工荒和就业难问题提供了一个新的解决视角,乃至澄清人们对大学扩招政策的错误认识,或反思大学扩招政策,都具有重要的现实价值。 本文以高等教育招生人数、生产运输设备操作工求人倍率和大学毕业生待业人数为研究对象,探索高等教育招生人数对生产运输设备操作工求人倍率和大学毕业生待业生人数的影响关系,旨在证明大学扩招对用工荒、就业难及其并存现象存在相关性,从而从高等教育扩招的角度寻找解决用工荒和就业难的有效措施。本文运用劳动力市场分割理论、劳动力市场搜寻匹配理论、人力资本理论、筛选理论、统计学、计量经济学等相关理论和分析方法,内容主要围绕大学扩招对用工荒、就业难及其并存现象的三个回归分析模型的建立、数据的收集、模型效果的检验几个方面进行。 研究结果表明,大学扩招与“用工荒”存在相关性,大学扩招因挤占职业教育,减少了技工人口的潜在数量,使得与二级劳动力市场相匹配的人数减少;同时,大学扩招也增加了高校毕业生人数,供过于求,形成了“就业难”。但研究结果并未表明大学扩招同时造成了“用工荒”和“就业难”并存。在研究结论的基础上,作者给出了稳定高等教育招生规模、消化大学扩招带来的负面影响、建立与目前高等教育规模相匹配的产业结构及其体系、建立与社会经济发展耦合的高等教育人才培养结构和体系。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the problems of "shortage of employment" and "difficulty of employment" have become more and more serious. What are the root causes of the problem of "shortage of employment" and "difficulty in employment" in China? This issue has aroused widespread debate among domestic scholars. Scholars believe that the contradiction lies in adjusting the industrial structure and changing the concept of employment. This paper, from the perspective of higher education, studies the influence of the expansion of university enrollment on the shortage of employment and the difficulty of obtaining employment. It provides a new angle of view to solve the problem of employment shortage and employment, even clarifies people's wrong understanding of the policy of university enrollment expansion, or reflects on the policy of university enrollment expansion, which has important practical value. In this paper, the number of students enrolled in higher education, the number of operators of production and transportation equipment and the number of unemployed college graduates are taken as the research objects. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the number of students enrolled in higher education and the number of college graduates seeking employment, in order to prove that there is a correlation between the expansion of university enrollment and the shortage of employment, the difficulty of employment and the coexistence of the phenomenon. In order to find effective measures to solve the shortage of employment and employment difficulties from the point of view of expanding enrollment in higher education, this paper applies the theory of labor market segmentation, the theory of labor market search and matching, the theory of human capital, the theory of screening, the theory of statistics, Econometrics and other related theories and analytical methods mainly focus on the establishment of three regression models of labor shortage, employment difficulties and their co-existence, data collection and model effect test. The results show that there is a correlation between the expansion of university enrollment and the "shortage of employment". By crowding out vocational education, the expansion of university enrollment reduces the potential number of skilled workers and reduces the number of people matching the secondary labor market; at the same time, The expansion of university enrollment also increases the number of college graduates, oversupply the demand, and leads to "difficult employment". However, the results of the study do not show that the expansion of university enrollment at the same time leads to the coexistence of "shortage of employment" and "difficulty in employment." on the basis of the findings of the study, The author gives the idea of stabilizing the enrollment scale of higher education, digesting the negative influence brought by the expansion of university enrollment, and establishing the industrial structure and its system matching the current scale of higher education. To establish the structure and system of talent training in higher education coupled with social and economic development.


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