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发布时间:2018-02-28 11:49

  本文关键词: 高等教育投资 农村家庭养老 相关性 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着中国人口老龄化进一步加剧中国的养老问题日益凸显,而农村的养老问题又是难度最大最需要解决的关键问题。随着家庭结构的变化和社会养老保险的不断发展,以及新型农村社会养老保险政策的实施,在一定程度上提高了农民的福利和养老待遇缓解了农村养老问题,家庭养老的主体地位在逐渐下降。与此同时,新农保所存在的一些暂时难以解决的问题,例如补贴过低、筹资机制不完善、存在政策风险、基金保值增值难等,导致农民对政策实施效果信心不足观望情绪浓厚。这样一来,家庭养老在解决农村养老问题时依然大有用武之地。因此,在我国的现实情况下家庭养老在满足基本养老需求、补充和完善农村社会养老保险体制方面依然起着举足轻重的作用,家庭养老仍然是我国农村目前最主要的养老方式。通过家庭养老,一方面可以缓解我国老龄化日益严重下政府在基本养老保险上的压力;另一方面,在广大农村家庭养老依然有着深厚的存在根基和必要性,它不论在经济支持还是生活照料和精神慰藉等方面都有着不可替代的作用。家庭养老作为中国几千年来的传统,不管从其存在的基础和现实条件来看,作用都不可小觑。 有研究显示,农村子女教育投入与养老回报有一定的关联性。从农村子女教育的现实来看随着农村人均收入的增加以及计划生育政策的持续贯彻,子女的教育问题也日益得到高度重视,农村家庭在子女教育方面的投资逐年增加,尤其是子女的高等教育投资。农村父母普遍认为接受高等教育是子女改变经济社会地位唯一且有效的途径,使子女接受更高的教育是他们义不容辞的责任,也使他们为此感到骄傲和自豪。因此,即使高等教育收费年年攀升农村父母投资子女高等教育的热情丝毫不减。古语道,“养儿防老,积谷防饥。”子女受教育程度提高后,老人的养老也会更有保障。近年来,有许多学者开始关注农村家庭养老和子女教育人力资本投资的相关性研究。以子女教育人力资本投资为视角来研究家庭养老保险,对于解决目前我国农村养老问题无疑有着重要的理论价值和深远的现实意义。 本文通过大量查阅国内外有关教育人力资本投资和家庭养老的文献,对现有掌握的相关文献的研究方法进行分析,在国内外不同学者对教育人力资本投资和家庭养老的正相关性或者不相关的研究结论基础上,结合我国的具体实际和国情,在对家庭养老的相关问题的理论分析进行总结和归纳的基础上,分析检验在我国农村子女高等教育投资与家庭养老的相关性。全文共分五部分内容。第一部分是绪论,主要介绍本文的选题背景、研究价值以及研究方法和内容;第二部分为文献综述与相关理论分析;第三部分是我国农村高等教育投资和家庭养老关系的分析,在这一部分中,论文主要通过梳理我国家庭养老保险面临的问题、农村子女高等教育投资动因等,阐释农村子女高等教育投资对家庭养老的作用。第四部分是通过发送调查问卷收集数据信息,对我国农村子女高等教育投资与家庭养老的相关性进行实证检验;第五部分是研究结论与政策建议。本文的主要结论是,随着家庭对子女高等教育投入的增加,高等教育支出与精神慰藉显著正相关,高等教育教育支出与经济回报显著正相关,但是高等教育支出与生活照料负相关,教育支出与家庭养老总回报正相关。与此同时,在人力资本投资的前期阶段,高等教育投入与对家庭的经济支持负相关,其他相关性基本变化不大。由于获取数据的范围以及检验方法等方面存在的局限性和不足,导致本文的结论有不甚严谨之处,这也是笔者在今后研究中改进和完善的方向。
[Abstract]:With the aging population Chinese further intensified Chinese pension problem has become increasingly prominent, and the rural old-age problem is a key problem to solve. The biggest difficulty with the change of family structure and the development of social pension insurance, and the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance policy, to a certain extent, improve farmers' welfare and pension treatment alleviated the problem of rural old-age pension, family's main body status has gradually decreased. At the same time, the new agricultural insurance to solve some temporary problems, such as subsidies is too low, the financing mechanism is not perfect, there are policy risk, increasing the value of funds difficult, cause farmers to effect the lack of confidence in a strong wait-and-see mood. As a result of policy the family pension, in solving the rural old-age problem still has great application. Therefore, in the reality of our situation in the family pension to satisfy the The pension needs, supplement and perfect the rural social endowment insurance system still plays an important role in China's rural family pension is still the main way of pension. The family pension, one can alleviate China's growing aging under the government in the basic old-age insurance on the pressure; on the other hand, in the rural family endowment still has a deep foundation of the existence and necessity of it, whether in economic or life care and spiritual comfort has an irreplaceable role. Family pension is Chinese for thousands of years of tradition, no matter from the point of view of its existing foundation and realistic conditions, effect can not be overlooked.
Research shows that rural children's education have certain relevance and pension returns. From the practical point of view with the education of rural children continue to increase rural per capita income and family planning policy, their children's education has been attached great importance to the rural household investment in children's education is increasing year by year, especially the children's higher the investment in education. Rural parents generally believe that higher education is the only effective way to change the economic and social status of children, so that children receive higher education is their bounden duty, also make them proud and pride. Therefore, even if the higher education fees rising rural parents invest in their children's higher education enthusiasm unabated. As the old saying, "to children, for a rainy day." education can improve the degree of children, the elderly will be more secure. In recent years, there are Study on the relationship between many scholars began to pay attention to human capital investment of rural family pension and the education of their children. The children's education human capital investment perspective to study the family endowment insurance, to solve the rural old-age problem will undoubtedly have important theoretical value and profound realistic significance.
Through consulting a large number of domestic and foreign investment in education human capital and family pension literature, research methods of the existing literature master through the analysis of the positive correlation between students at home and abroad on the education of human capital and family pension or not related to the above conclusions, combined with China's specific national condition. Related problems in the family pension theory analysis based on the summary and the induction, correlation test in rural children of higher education and family pension investment analysis. The paper consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, research value and research methods and content; the second part analysis the literature review and related theories; the third part is the analysis of the relationship between higher education investment and rural family pension in our country. In this part, the main Facing by combing our family endowment insurance problems of rural children of higher education investment motivation, role of higher education investment in rural family pension interpretation. The fourth part is to collect data information by sending the questionnaire to examine the correlation between China's rural children of higher education investment and family pension; the fifth part is the research the conclusions and suggestions. The main conclusion is that with the family into their children's higher education increased significantly positively related to higher education expenditure and spiritual comfort, positively related to higher education expenditure and economic returns, but the higher education expenditure and education expenditure is negatively related to life care, and family pension total return is at the same time. In the early stage, human capital investment, economy of family and higher education investment to support the negative correlation, the correlation between other changes Due to the limitations and shortcomings of data acquisition and testing methods, the conclusions of this paper are not very strict, which is also the direction for improvement and perfection of the author in the future research.



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