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发布时间:2018-02-28 13:37

  本文关键词: 大学生就业 就业结构 过度竞争 结构失衡 出处:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生就业结构性矛盾主要体现在人才的需求和供给不一致,劳动力市场中大量存在着“大学生找不到工作,企业又招不到大学生”的现象。不同地区、不同产业、不同行业对大学生的学历、专业、技能要求各不相同,而大学生本身对就业岗位具有选择性,因而就形成了大学生就业问题的专业结构性矛盾、产业结构性矛盾、行业结构性矛盾和地区性就业结构矛盾。 本文首先从专业结构角度对大学生就业问题进行研究。专业结构性就业矛盾的突出表现是既存在结构性短缺,也存在结构性失业,前者表现为“用人单位招不到大学生”,后者表现为“大学生找不到工作”。从总体上来看,专业结构性就业问题长期存在,部分专业长期处于高失业状态,而部分专业则长期供不应求状态;从变化趋势上来看,专业结构性就业变化具有周期性特征;从就业水平来看,大学生比重低的行业容易就业,而过度竞争则会加剧专业结构性失业。 其次,从产业结构角度对大学生就业问题进行研究。从总量结构来看,整体呈现“三、二、一”的分布次序,第三产业对大学生就业的贡献最大,并且决定就业总量的变化,第二产业对大学生的就业吸纳力提升最快。从增量角度来看,第一产业对增量贡献较低,第二产业的增量发展趋势与整体发展趋势的一致性显著增强,产业结构与就业结构趋向合理。从结构偏离度来看,第一产业大学生劳动力供不应求,结构性就业矛盾突出,第二产业的产业结构与就业结构趋向合理,第三产业对大学生的需求趋向饱和。 再次,从行业结构角度对大学生就业问题进行研究。从总量和增量结构来看,农、林、牧、渔业无论是就业总量还是行业大学生构成比重均处较低水平:制造业,批发和零售业异军突起,对大学生就业吸纳潜力巨大;“铁饭碗”行业依然是大学生的热衷行业,但大学生的比重有所下降。从行业结构偏离度来看,第二产业具有较强的就业吸纳潜力,第三产业各行业的表现较为复杂,大致可以分为三类:过度竞争型行业、人才储备型行业以及就业潜力型行业。 最后,从地区角度对大学生就业问题进行研究。不同区域对大学生的就业吸引力具有结构性差异,结果显示,泛珠江三角洲区域经济体对大学生的就业吸引力最大,其次为泛长江三角洲区域经济体和泛渤海湾区域经济体,中西部生态经济区的地区就业吸引力最弱。
[Abstract]:The structural contradiction of college students ' employment is mainly reflected in the demand and supply of talents . There are many problems in the labor market that " college students can ' t find jobs and enterprises can ' t recruit college students " . Different regions , different industries and different industries have different educational background , professional and skill requirements for college students , while the college students themselves have the selectivity to the employment position , thus forming the professional structural contradictions , structural contradictions , structural contradictions in the industry and the contradiction of regional employment structure . This paper first studies the problem of college students ' employment from the angle of professional structure . The conflict of professional structural employment is characterized by structural shortage and structural unemployment . Secondly , from the perspective of the total structure , the paper studies the employment of college students . From the perspective of total structure , the whole presents the distribution order of " three , two , one " , the third industry has the greatest contribution to the employment of college students , and decides the change of total employment . Thirdly , from the perspective of industry structure , the employment problem of college students is studied . From the total and incremental structure , agriculture , forestry , animal husbandry and fishery , whether the total employment volume or the composition proportion of the industry college students , are low : manufacturing , wholesale and retail outlets , which have huge potential for college students ' employment . The " iron rice bowl " industry is still the keen industry of college students , but the proportion of college students has declined . From the industry structure deviation degree , the second industry has stronger employment absorption potential , and the third industry industry has more complex performance , which can be divided into three categories : over - competitive industry , talent reserve type industry and employment potential type industry . Finally , the study on the employment of college students from the regional perspective . The different regions have structural differences on the employment appeal of college students . The results show that the regional economy of Pan - Pearl River Delta has the greatest attraction to college students , and secondly , the regional economy in Pan - Pearl River Delta and the Pan - Bohai Gulf region economy , and the regional employment appeal of the central and western eco - economic zones is the weakest .



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