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发布时间:2018-03-01 15:18

  本文关键词: 教学研究能力 师范专业 现状 存在问题 培养建议 出处:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在基础教育课程改革及新课程理念的指引下,教师专业化是世界教师教育发展的趋势和潮流,培养出具有丰富广博的基础知识、较完善的能力结构,又具有敏锐的观察力以及发现问题并采用科学方法进行教学研究的教育研究型教师成为我国教师教育改革的方向。作为培养职前教师的重要基地,高等师范院校应该重视对师范专业教学研究能力的培养。高等师范院校应切实认识到重视师范专业教学研究能力的必要性和重要性,探索有效途径和方式加强师范专业教学研究能力的培养,通过相关的保障机制维持这些措施的有效实施,进而形成一套以培养师范专业教学研究能力为主导的课程体系,以便形成以教育教学能力培养为主线的高师院校校园文化氛围,培养出大批更好地教育研究型中小学教师,以满足基础教育课程改革中教学实践的需要。 教育教学研究能力是提高教师教学水平和教学质量、教师专业化发展的必备条件,是合格的中小学教师必备的重要素质之一。通过本课题的研究以解决以下几个问题:揭示影响师范专业教育教学研究能力形成的深层次原因,为教师专业化发展的培养途径提供依据;为师范生的培养寻找一种切实可行、行之有效的发展教育教学研究能力的方式和途径;为开发和设置更加有效的教育教学研究类课程提供参考和素材。本文从师范专业学生应该具备的教育教学研究能力出发,以教师教育的教师专业化理论和教师教育职前职后一体化理论等相关理论为基础,得出师范专业应该在大学阶段获得并提高相应的教育教学研究能力这一结论。本文就师范院校在对师范专业教学研究能力的培养现状及培养过程中存在的问题进行了调查分析,对比国外师范专业教学研究能力的培养情况,提出了师范专业教学研究能力培养应遵循的原则、所要达到的具体目标。最后提出了关于培养21世纪教师教学研究能力的建议:优化课程设置并开设教育研究课程,为开发师范专业学生的教研能力提供良好的平台;改革教学方法、丰富教研内容,建立“课题教学模式”;改善制度激励学生参与教研;加强实践锻炼,优化教研实践,重视论文写作和毕业论文撰写提高学术成果和毕业论文的质量;加强导师、学生、指导教师和管理部门的通力合作,,提高师范专业学生教研能力的开发程度等。
[Abstract]:Under the guidance of the basic education curriculum reform and the new curriculum concept, teacher specialization is the trend and trend of the development of teachers' education in the world. The educational research teachers, who have keen observation ability and find problems and adopt scientific methods to carry out teaching and research, have become the direction of teacher education reform in our country, which is an important base for training pre-service teachers. Teachers colleges and universities should attach importance to the cultivation of the teaching and research ability of teachers' specialty, and should realize the necessity and importance of attaching importance to the teaching and research ability of teachers' specialty. To explore effective ways and means to strengthen the cultivation of the teaching and research ability of teachers' specialty, to maintain the effective implementation of these measures through the relevant guarantee mechanism, and to form a set of curriculum system which is dominated by the cultivation of the teaching and research ability of teachers' major. In order to form the campus culture atmosphere of normal colleges and universities with the training of educational and teaching ability as the main line, and to train a large number of better teachers of research-oriented primary and secondary schools, so as to meet the needs of teaching practice in the course reform of basic education. The ability of educational research is a necessary condition to improve teachers' teaching level and teaching quality, and to develop teachers' specialization. It is one of the essential qualities of qualified primary and middle school teachers. Through the research of this subject, we can solve the following problems: revealing the deep reasons that affect the formation of the research ability of normal education and teaching, To provide the basis for the cultivation of teachers' professional development, to find a feasible and effective way to develop the research ability of education and teaching for the training of normal school students. In order to develop and set up more effective educational and teaching research courses, this paper starts from the educational and teaching research ability that normal college students should possess. Based on the theory of teacher professionalization and the theory of integration before and after teacher education, It is concluded that teachers' major should acquire and improve the corresponding educational and teaching research ability in the university stage. This paper makes an investigation and analysis on the current situation and problems existing in the cultivation of the teaching and research ability of the teachers' specialty in normal colleges and universities. Compared with the training situation of foreign teachers' specialty teaching and research ability, this paper puts forward the principles that should be followed in the training of normal major's teaching and research ability. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to cultivate the teaching and research ability of teachers in 21th century: optimizing curriculum setting and offering educational research courses, which provides a good platform for developing the teaching and research ability of students majoring in teachers' colleges; Reform teaching methods, enrich teaching and research contents, establish "subject teaching mode", improve the system to encourage students to participate in teaching and research, strengthen practice training, optimize teaching and research practice, We should pay more attention to the writing and writing of thesis and improve the quality of academic achievement and thesis, strengthen the cooperation of teachers, students, teachers and management departments, and improve the development degree of teaching and research ability of normal college students.


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