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发布时间:2018-03-01 20:07

  本文关键词: 高校信息化 数字化校园 IT能力 IT治理 出处:《武汉大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在信息技术快速发展和不断普及的时代,信息资源已经成为高校发展过程中核心竞争力的重要组成部分。如何最大程度地保护高校数字化校园建设中的资金投入并保证应用系统的质量,降低开发和维护过程中的风险,使数字化校园建设最大限度地为高校的管理和发展创造其应有的价值,是所有高校都十分关心的问题。本文通过借鉴企业信息化建设的成功经验,针对高校这种特殊的组织类型,提出了高校核心IT能力的概念及其关键因素影响模型。在此基础上,有针对性地将IT治理的方法引入到数字化校园的建设、运营和维护过程中,通过提升高校核心IT能力,为数字化校园建设提供必要的领导力、组织机构和制度流程,更好地来完善数字化校园的建设与推广,最大限度地提高高校的信息化建设投入产出回报。 本文对国内高校的数字化校园建设进行了全面的分析,归纳出在建设和实施过程中存在的不足之处,具体表现为:(1)与企业成功的信息化实践经验相比,高校信息化建设在管理和制度上存在明显差距;(2)高校的信息化建设思路主要还是以技术或者系统供应商思路为先导,忽视了高校本身的发展战略和实际业务管理现状;(3)数字化校园建设目的不明确,为了建设而建设,从而忽视了其最本质的目的是提升高校的核心竞争优势;(4)国内数字化校园建设成功实践很少,缺乏深入的总结,而且成功经验难以复制。 本文通过对基于核心IT能力的高校数字化校园建设做了深入的研究,对高校核心IT能力的关键影响因素进行分析,在数字化校园建设过程中有针对性地引入IT治理的相关理念与方法,为高校的数字化校园建设的思路和方向提供指导,最后以深圳某高校的数字化校园建设为例,对本文提出的高校核心IT能力关键影响因素及相应的IT治理方法加以实证检验。全文共有七个部分,主要内容如下: 第一部分:引言。论述了本文的选题背景及意义,简要分析了国内外数字化校园建设现状,并对本文的研究内容、方法及创新点做了叙述。 第二部分:高校数字化校园建设内容与体系结构。从信息技术的角度分析了高校数字化校园建设的框架与内容。作为高校信息化建设的高级阶段,数字化校园通过将高校所有信息资源有效的整合在一起,为高校基于信息化的发展与决策提供了保障。本章的论述为其余章节的展开做了技术上的铺垫。 第三部分:高校核心IT能力与高校可持续竞争优势关系模型构建。将基于资源观的IT能力概念引入高校数字化校园的建设中,提出了高校的核心IT能力的概念并对其关键影响因素进行分析,构建了高校核心IT能力与高校可持续竞争优势的关系模型,指出了数字化校园的建设本质。 第四部分:高校数字化校园建设IT治理研究。在综合分析了现有的IT治理体系的基础上,确定了在数字化校园建设的全生命周期过程中建立和实施完善的IT治理机制的必要性。然后通过进一步分析IT治理与IT能力之间的关系,针对目前数字化校园建设过程中普遍存在的问题,提出面向IT能力的IT治理方法,确定了数字化校园建设中IT治理的方向。 第五部分:高校数字化校园建设中的IT治理架构。以高校核心IT能力影响因素模型为基础,通过对当前主流的IT治理方法进行研究和分析,提出了以针对高校核心IT能力提升为目标的高校数字化校园建设IT治理体系框架。 第六部分:案例研究及绩效分析。以深圳某高校数字化校园建设为例,对本文提出的理论模型和实践指导方法进行论证,通过在数字化校园建设过程中构建核心IT能力,灵活运用多种IT治理方法,用以提升数字化校园建设的效益。 第七部分:结论与展望。对全文的研究工作进行了总结,并对下一步的研究内容进行了展望。
[Abstract]:In the rapid development of information technology and the growing popularity of the era, information resources have become an important part in the development of the core competitiveness. How to maximize the protection of digital campus construction in the capital investment and quality assurance system, reduce the development and maintenance of the risk in the process of the construction of digital campus to maximize its the proper value for the management and development of colleges and universities, all universities are very concerned about the problem. By learning the successful experience of enterprise informatization construction, in this special type of organization, put forward the concept model and key factors of the core ability of IT. On this basis, the constructive method of IT governance the introduction to the digital campus, the process of operation and maintenance, through the promotion of the core IT capabilities, will provide for the construction of Digital Campus The leadership, organization and system process should be better to improve the construction and popularization of digitalized campus, and maximize the input and output returns of information construction in Colleges and universities.
In this paper, the construction of digital campus in Chinese universities conducted a comprehensive analysis, summed up the deficiencies in the construction and implementation process, the specific performance: (1) compared with the success of enterprise informatization practice experience, there is a significant gap in the informatization construction of university management and system; (2) the main idea of university informatization construction or in the technology or the system supplier idea as the forerunner, ignore the development strategy of university itself and the actual business management status; (3) the purpose of the construction of digital campus is not clear, for building and construction, thus ignoring the most essential purpose is to enhance the core competitive advantage; (4) few domestic successful practice of digital campus construction the lack of in-depth, summary, and successful experience is difficult to copy.
Based on the construction of Digital Campus Based on IT core ability to do in-depth research, are key factors of the core ability of IT analysis, in the process of the construction of digital campus in the related concepts and methods of introducing the IT governance, to provide guidance for the thinking and direction of the digital campus construction of Colleges and universities, finally in the construction of digital campus of a university in Shenzhen as an example, to an empirical test on the factors affecting the core capacity of IT and IT key proposed corresponding control methods. The paper consists of seven parts, the main contents are as follows:
The first part: introduction. It discusses the background and significance of this topic, briefly analyzes the current situation of digital campus construction at home and abroad, and describes the research contents, methods and innovation points of this paper.
The second part: the construction of digital campus system and content structure. From the perspective of information technology, analyzes the framework and contents of the construction of digital campus in Colleges and universities. As the advanced stage of informatization construction in Colleges and universities, the university digital campus information resources effectively together, for the development and decision-making based on information provided protection in this chapter. The paper discusses the technical preparation for the expansion of the remaining chapters.
The third part: the construction of the relationship between college and University IT core ability of sustainable competitive advantage model. The concept of resource construction will be based on the concept of IT into digital campus, put forward the concept of the core capabilities of IT and analyzed their key influencing factors and relationship model of colleges and universities to build a core IT capabilities and the sustainable competitive advantage the construction of digital campus, pointed out the essence.
The fourth part: the research on IT control of digital campus construction in Colleges and universities. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the existing IT management system, the necessity to establish and improve the implementation of the IT governance mechanism in the process of the whole life cycle of the construction of digital campus in. Then through further analysis of the relationship between IT governance and IT ability, aiming at the construction of the digital campus in the process of problem, put forward IT control method for IT capacity, determine the IT governance in the construction of digital campus.
The fifth part: IT governance framework of digital campus construction in Colleges and universities. The core factors affecting the ability to IT model as the foundation, through the analysis and research of IT control method of the current mainstream, put forward to enhance the core IT ability as the goal of the construction of University Digital Campus IT governance framework.
The sixth part: the analysis of case study and performance. In Shenzhen a digital campus construction as an example, to demonstrate the theoretical model and practical method is put forward in this paper, through the construction of the core capacity of IT in the process of the construction of digital campus, flexible use of various IT treatment methods, to improve the efficiency of the construction of digital campus.
The seventh part: the conclusion and the prospect. The research work of the full text is summarized, and the next research content is prospected.



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