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发布时间:2018-03-03 14:10

  本文选题:美国高等教育 切入点:许可 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:美国是世界上高等教育最发达的国家之一,虽然其高等教育的历史非常短,从殖民地时期建立起的哈佛学院算起,迄今为止也不过三百多年,但是其大学不论在数量还是质量上都雄踞世界榜首,拥有当今世界绝大多数的一流大学。美国的高等教育体系更被公认为世界上最具有竞争力的高等教育体系,这与其颇具特色的管理体制是密不可分。而高等教育许可,既是美国高等教育体系中的重要组成部分,又是美国高等教育快速发展的一个重要原因。由此,本论文将此问题作为研究重点进行探索,并由此获得借鉴。 美国高等教育许可是个开放的复杂系统,受到经济、环境、政治、文化等多个因素的影响。本论文基于系统理论的视角,对美国高等教育许可的发展历程,构成要素,及其要素的结构和功能进行深入研究,构建出美国高等教育许可的系统模型,深刻总结了美国高等教育许可的成功做法,从而为我国高等教育的许可体系的完善及未来发展提供有益的建议。 首先,针对国内鲜有学者对美国高等教育许可进行研究这一困局,笔者对国外学者有关美国高等教育许可的研究现状进行简单的梳理,指出基于传统理论对美国高等教育许可进行研究的不足,,进而提出基于系统理论方法进行美国高等教育许可研究的可行性和必要性,提出了美国高等教育许可的系统模型,其是由法律系统、组织系统、标准系统、操作系统四个要素构成的,相互联系、相互作用的复杂系统。 其次,笔者以美国高等教育尤为发达的加州作为案例分析,对该州的高等教育发展历程及现状进行简要梳理,针对本文提出高等教育许可的系统模型,分别从法律系统、组织系统、标准系统、操作系统来研究美国加州的高等教育许可的运作,分析加州政府在高等教育许可中所发挥的作用。 最后,笔者通过美国和中国的高等教育许可进行比较分析,分别从历史进程、系统结构两个大方面进行对比,进而总结了中国高等教育许可目前存在的困境,在结合我国行政审批改革的大背景下,提出完善我国高等教育许可的对策建议。 综上所述,美国高等教育许可的系统模型不但为美国高等教育的发展提供了有力的保障,更对我国高等教育发展及未来行政改革之路提供有益的启示。
[Abstract]:The United States is one of the most developed countries in higher education in the world. Although its history of higher education is very short, it has been only over 300 years since the establishment of Harvard College in the colonial period. But its universities rank first in the world, both in quantity and in quality, and have the vast majority of the world's top universities. The United States' higher education system is recognized as the most competitive higher education system in the world. This is closely related to its characteristic management system. Higher education licensing is not only an important part of the American higher education system, but also an important reason for the rapid development of American higher education. This paper takes this question as the research focus to explore, and thus obtains the reference. American higher education license is an open and complex system, which is influenced by many factors, such as economy, environment, politics, culture and so on. The structure and function of American higher education license are deeply studied, and the system model of American higher education license is constructed, and the successful practice of American higher education license is summarized deeply. Therefore, some useful suggestions are provided for the perfection and future development of the licensing system of higher education in China. First of all, in view of the difficult situation that few domestic scholars do research on American higher education license, the author simply combs the current research situation of foreign scholars about American higher education license. This paper points out the deficiency of the research on American higher education license based on the traditional theory, and then puts forward the feasibility and necessity of the research on American higher education license based on the system theory, and puts forward the system model of American higher education license. It is a complex system composed of legal system, organization system, standard system and operating system. Secondly, the author takes California, which is especially developed in American higher education, as a case study, briefly combs the development course and current situation of higher education in that state, and puts forward the system model of higher education license in this paper, respectively from the legal system. Organizing systems, standard systems, and operating systems to study the operation of higher education licenses in California, and analyze the role played by the California government in higher education licensing. Finally, the author makes a comparative analysis of higher education licensing in the United States and China, compares the historical process and the system structure, and sums up the difficulties of higher education licensing in China at present. Under the background of the reform of administrative examination and approval in our country, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the license of higher education in our country. To sum up, the system model of American higher education license not only provides a strong guarantee for the development of American higher education, but also provides beneficial enlightenment to the development of higher education and the future administrative reform of our country.


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