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发布时间:2018-03-04 11:08

  本文选题:社会组织 切入点:大学生 出处:《福建师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:社会组织,作为政府组织和企业组织之外的承担社会管理和公共服务的非营利组织,它所蕴含的就业潜力不可小觑。我国的社会组织自1978年改革开放之后逐步成长起来,至今已有35年的发展历史。研究国内外社会组织吸纳大学生就业的有益经验,探索有中国特色的社会组织成长模式,有着十分重要的理论和实践意义。 论文以福州市社会组织为研究对象,从梳理归纳社会组织吸纳大学生就业的相关理论入手,对社会组织的基本概念和在吸纳大学生就业方面的角色功能进行了阐释,做好论文前期的伏笔铺垫工作。论文主体部分在对福州市社会组织进行实证调查的基础上,分析了福州市社会组织吸纳大学生就业的现状及其困境,并从社会组织自身的因素、大学生就业意愿的因素、政府职能及政策法规的因素等三个方而分析了福州市社会组织吸纳大学生就业困境的原因。最后在充分借鉴国内外城市社会组织的成功实践基础上,从转变政府职能、加强自身建设、创新宣传模式、提高身份认同、构建协同合作模式等五个方面提出了促进社会组织吸纳大学生就业的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Social organization, as a non-profit organization that undertakes social management and public service outside government organization and enterprise organization, its employment potential can not be underestimated. Since 1978, the social organization in our country has gradually grown up since the reform and opening up. It has been 35 years of development so far. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the beneficial experience of social organizations at home and abroad in absorbing college students' employment and to explore the growth model of social organizations with Chinese characteristics. This paper takes Fuzhou social organization as the research object, starts with the related theories of social organization absorbing college students' employment, and explains the basic concept of social organization and its role function in absorbing college students' employment. On the basis of the empirical investigation on the social organization in Fuzhou, the paper analyzes the present situation and predicament of the employment of college students in Fuzhou, and analyzes the factors of the social organization itself. This paper analyzes the reasons why Fuzhou's social organization absorbs college students' employment dilemma from three aspects: the factors of college students' employment intention, government functions and policies and regulations. Finally, on the basis of the successful practice of urban social organizations at home and abroad, From five aspects: transforming government function, strengthening self-construction, innovating propaganda mode, improving identity, constructing cooperative cooperation mode, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote social organization to absorb college students' employment.


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