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发布时间:2018-03-04 14:43

  本文选题:健康促进 切入点:生活方式 出处:《蚌埠医学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目的:(1)了解安徽省医学本科生健康促进生活方式以及学校适应的情况。(2)分析安徽省医学本科生健康促进生活方式的影响因素。(3)探讨安徽省医学本科生的健康促进生活方式与学校适应的相关性,为医学生的健康促进工作提供参考依据。 方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法,应用健康促进生活方式量表(HPLP)、中国大学生适应量表(CCSAS)及一般资料调查问卷对安徽省三所医学院校的2960名医学本科生进行横断面调查研究。采用SPSS17.0统计软件包进行统计分析。统计方法包括统计描述、t检验、方差分析、Pearson相关分析及多元线性回归分析。 结果:1.医学本科生的健康促进生活方式总均分为113.72±14.09,单项均分为2.71±0.34;分量表得分排序,自我实现得分最高,其余依次为人际间支持、营养、压力管理、运动,健康责任得分最低。 2.医学本科生的学校适应总均分为204.22±26.39,单项均分为27.08±0.34;分量表得分排序,学习适应得分最高,其余依次为人际关系适应、校园生活适应、择业适应、情绪适应、自我适应、满意度得分最低。 3.单因素分析结果显示:不同年级(F=10.25, P=0.000)、专业(F=5.12, P=0.000)、生源地(t=4.70, P=0.000)、居住情况(F=4.41, P=0.012)、家庭月平均收入(F=4.49,P=0.004)、是否接触过健康促进类课程(t=5.32, P=0.01)、父亲受教育程度(F=11.08, P=0.000)、母亲受教育程度(F=13.49, P=0.000)的医学本科生健康促进生活方式得分差异有统计学意义。 4.相关分析结果显示:学校适应总分及各维度与健康促进生活方式总分及各维度呈显著正相关(r=0.124-0.680, P0.01)。 5.多元线性回归分析结果显示:学校适应的7个维度、一般资料中的年级、父母亲受教育程度以及是否接触健康促进类课程进入了回归方程,共同解释健康促进生活方式总变异量的43.3%。 结论:1.安徽地区医学本科生的健康促进生活方式总体处于中等水平,其中,自我实现行为水平最高,,健康责任行为水平最低。 2.安徽地区医学本科生的总体适应状况较好,其中,学习适应水平最高,满意度水平最低。 3.一般资料中的年级、父母亲受教育程度以及是否接触健康促进类课程是医学本科生健康促进生活方式的主要影响因素。 4.医学本科生的学校适应与健康促进生活方式呈显著正相关,学校适应对健康促进生活方式具有预测作用。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the health promotion lifestyle and school adaptation of medical undergraduates in Anhui Province. (2) to analyze the influencing factors of health promotion lifestyle of medical undergraduates in Anhui Province. (3) to explore the health promotion of medical undergraduates in Anhui Province. The relevance of lifestyle to school adaptation, To provide a reference for the health promotion of medical students. Methods: stratified cluster sampling was used. A cross-sectional study of 2 960 medical undergraduates from three medical colleges in Anhui Province was carried out by using the Health Promotion lifestyle scale (HPLP), the Chinese College students' adaptation scale (CCSAS) and the general data questionnaire. The results were carried out by SPSS17.0 statistical software package. Statistical analysis. Statistical methods include statistical description t-test, Analysis of variance Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Results 1. The health promotion lifestyle of medical undergraduates was 113.72 卤14.09 and 2.71 卤0.34 respectively. The score of self-realization was the highest, and the others were interpersonal support, nutrition, stress management, exercise and health responsibility. 2.The total school adaptation of medical undergraduates was 204.22 卤26.39, and the individual items were 27.08 卤0.34. The scores of subscale were the highest, and the others were interpersonal adaptation, campus life adaptation, career adaptation, emotional adaptation and self-adaptation. The satisfaction score was the lowest. 3. The results of univariate analysis show that: F / F 10.25, P = 0.000, F / F 5.12, P = 0.000, F = 4.70, P = 0.000, F / F / 4.41, P = 0.012 / 1, average monthly household income = F / F = 4.49 / P 0.004, have you been exposed to health promotion courses / courses / courses / / /, P / P / P / 0 / 01, father's educational level / education / / F / C / P / 0.000 / L, mother's education level / / / month / month / month / month / year / month / month / month / month / month / month / month / month / month / month. The scores of health promotion lifestyle of medical undergraduates were significantly different. 4. The results of correlation analysis showed that the total scores and dimensions of school adaptation were positively correlated with the total scores and dimensions of health promotion lifestyle (P < 0.01). 5. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the seven dimensions of school adaptation, grades in general data, parents' education level and whether they were exposed to health promotion courses entered the regression equation. To explain the 43.3 percent of the total variation of health promotion lifestyle. Conclusion 1. The health promotion lifestyle of medical undergraduates in Anhui province is generally at the middle level, among which, the self-actualization behavior level is the highest, and the health responsibility behavior level is the lowest. 2. The overall adaptability of medical undergraduates in Anhui area is good, among them, the level of learning adaptation is the highest, and the level of satisfaction is the lowest. 3. The grades in the general data, parents' educational level and whether they are exposed to health promotion courses are the main factors influencing the health promotion lifestyle of medical undergraduates. 4. There was a significant positive correlation between school adaptation and health promotion lifestyle of medical undergraduates, and school adaptation could predict health promoting lifestyle.


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