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发布时间:2018-03-05 12:59

  本文选题:晚清 切入点:山西 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:书院自唐朝产生以来,逐渐成为官学教学机构之外的重要补充,在我国历史发展中发挥着重大作用。明末清初,书院逐渐失去其自由讲学的传统,官学化日渐严重。至清末,书院制度逐渐走向衰败,教育体制改革势在必行。同时,由于资金、师资等问题,近代教育体制改革中最重要的一步便是改造原有书院,这就是书院改学堂运动,即把旧式书院改建成新式学堂。 全国相继开展的书院改学堂运动,由于各省省情不同,其步骤也不同。本文以山西省为研究对象,探讨了晚清山西书院改学堂的状况。 在近代中国,山西有其独特的省情。教会学校对山西旧式教育的冲击,加之山西晋商在钱财上的资助,其内部存在的促使教育体制变革的新旧因子,为山西书院改学堂提供了较之其他省份更好的条件。 在山西教育近代化的历程上,巡抚张之洞、胡聘之,对山西教育影响巨大。从张之洞创办新式书院——令德堂,到胡聘之对令德堂书院的改造,可以清晰地看到新旧交替时期山西教育的状况,也从另一个程度上反映了书院改学堂运动中,书院自身的调节作用及其内部的趋新运动。 晚清山西书院改学堂是在全国背景下展开的,大致经历了旧式书院衰落、新式书院建立、新式学堂建立这样的艰难历程。而晚清山西新式学堂的建立过程中,中小学堂大部分是由旧有书院改造而来的,大学堂及高等学堂大部分为新建,他们共同构成了山西近代教育的基本体系。本文通过对各类学堂的详细论述以及图表等数据,展示了这个复杂的过程。阐述了当时山西学堂学生、教员等各个方面在这个过程中的作用和显示出来的问题,分析了他们对山西近代历史所产生的影响。 本文最后,对传统书院的精神及其现代教育价值,进行了初步探讨。通过对晚清书院改学堂后,著名学者对书院教育价值及对现代教育体制弊端的阐述,来揭示书院改革对当今教育的借鉴和启示作用。
[Abstract]:Since the emergence of the Tang Dynasty, the academy has gradually become an important supplement to the official teaching institutions and played an important role in the historical development of our country. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the academy gradually lost its tradition of free lecture and became more and more serious. The reform of the educational system is imperative. At the same time, the most important step in the reform of the modern education system is to reform the original academies, which is called the Academy Reform Movement, because of the problems of funds, teachers, and so on. That is, to transform the old academy into a new school. Because of the different situation of each province, the steps of the college reform movement carried out in the whole country are different. This paper takes Shanxi Province as the research object, and probes into the situation of Shanxi academy reform school in the late Qing Dynasty. In modern China, Shanxi has its own unique provincial conditions. The impact of the church schools on Shanxi's old-style education, coupled with the financial assistance of Shanxi's Shanxi merchants, has brought about new and old factors that promote the reform of the education system. Shanxi Academy for the reform of the school to provide better conditions than other provinces. In the course of the modernization of Shanxi's education, Governor Zhang Zhidong and Hu Pin had a great impact on Shanxi's education.From Zhang Zhidong's establishment of the new-style academies-Ling Tak Tong, to Hu Ping-zhi 's transformation of the Lingde Tong Academy, We can clearly see the situation of Shanxi's education in the period of new and old alternation, and to another extent, it also reflects the regulating function of the academy itself and its internal movement towards the new in the movement of college reform. The reform of Shanxi Academy in late Qing Dynasty was carried out under the background of the whole country, and it experienced the decline of the old academy, the establishment of the new-style academy, the establishment of the new-style academy, and the establishment of the new-style school in Shanxi in the late Qing Dynasty, while in the course of the establishment of the new-style school in the late Qing Dynasty, Most of the primary and secondary schools have been reformed from the old academies, and most of the colleges and universities have been built up. Together, they constitute the basic system of modern education in Shanxi. It shows the complicated process, expounds the function and problems of students and teachers in Shanxi school, and analyzes their influence on Shanxi's modern history. At the end of this paper, the spirit of the traditional academy and its modern educational value are preliminarily discussed. After the reform of the academy in the late Qing Dynasty, the famous scholars expound the educational value of the academy and the malpractice of the modern educational system. To reveal the college reform to today's education reference and enlightenment.


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