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发布时间:2018-03-06 19:47

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:思想政治教育 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学生是国家宝贵的人才资源。重视对大学生的培养,对其进行思想政治教育,是使大学生树立正确的理想信念,树立正确的价值观的重要手段。以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央高度重视大学生思想政治教育工作,把对大学生的思想政治教育工作作为一项战略任务来抓。在党中央召开的关于加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作会议中,胡锦涛同志深刻地剖析了加强大学生思想政治教育的重要性和紧迫性,并且明确提出了思想政治教育工作的指导思想、重要原则和主要任务,号召全社会共同努力,把大学生培养成为中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人。本文以胡锦涛总书记提出的以人为本指导思想为依据,,对大学生的思想政治教育的人性化模式进行进一步研究,把大学生思想政治教育各项工作落到实处。本文主体分为四个部分: 第一部分主要从马克思主义人性观出发揭示了人性化、思想政治教育人性化以及大学生思想政治教育的含义。 第二部分阐述了大学生思想政治教育人性化提出的必然性,既符合马克思主义人的发展理论又有其现实必然性。 第三部分指出了目前大学生思想政治教育人性化存在的问题:重视政治标准轻视学生利益;重视教育者意志轻视学生个性需求;重视教育价值轻视现实生活。同时,也分析了存在问题的原因:教育理念、教育内容以及教育方式不够人性化。 第四部分是全文的归宿,从教育理念、教育内容和教育方法三方面论述了大学生思想政治教育人性化的实施途径,以期待为广大的思想政治教育工作者提供借鉴,实现大学生的思想政治教育的实效性。 思想政治教育是做人的工作的重要实践活动,必须以人的发展为出发点和最终落脚点,把人性化贯穿大学生思想政治教育的始终,这样,才能为社会培养出优秀的大学生,实现思想政治教育的最终目的。
[Abstract]:College students are valuable human resources in our country. To pay attention to the cultivation of college students and carry out ideological and political education is to make them set up correct ideals and beliefs. The Party Central Committee, with Comrade Hu Jintao as its general secretary, attaches great importance to the ideological and political education of college students. Regarding the ideological and political education of college students as a strategic task. In the conference on strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students convened by the CPC Central Committee, Comrade Hu Jintao profoundly analyzed the importance and urgency of strengthening ideological and political education for college students, and clearly put forward the guiding ideology, important principles and main tasks of ideological and political education, and called on the whole society to work together. To train college students to become qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper is based on the people-oriented guiding ideology put forward by General Secretary Hu Jintao. The humanized mode of ideological and political education of college students is further studied, and the work of ideological and political education of college students is put into practice. The main body of this paper is divided into four parts:. The first part reveals the meaning of humanization, humanization of ideological and political education and ideological and political education of college students. The second part expounds the necessity of humanization of college students' ideological and political education, which not only accords with Marxist theory of human development, but also has its realistic inevitability. The third part points out the problems existing in the humanization of college students' ideological and political education: attaching importance to the political standard, despising students' interests, attaching importance to educators' will to despise students' individual needs, attaching importance to educational value, despising real life, at the same time, It also analyzes the reasons for the problems: the educational idea, the educational content and the educational method are not humanized. The 4th part is the home of the full text, from the education idea, the education content and the education method three aspects elaborated the university student ideological and political education humanization implementation way, in order to expect for the general ideological and political education worker to provide the reference, To realize the actual effect of ideological and political education of college students. Ideological and political education is an important practical activity in the work of being a man. We must take the development of human beings as the starting point and the ultimate foothold, run through the humanization of the ideological and political education of college students all the time, so that we can cultivate excellent college students for the society. Realize the ultimate goal of ideological and political education.


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