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发布时间:2018-03-07 00:21

  本文选题:中国人留学日本 切入点:历史 出处:《江西师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 1896, the Qing Dynasty sent the first official fee students to study in Japan. Up to now, the history of Chinese studying in Japan has passed 120 years. The political situation between China and Japan is treacherous, and in these 120 years, Both China and Japan have gone through historical changes. Chinese students studying in Japan have also been affected by many factors, from peaks to lows. Generally speaking, it is moving slowly. Similar to studying in Europe and the United States, Studying abroad in Japan is not only a means for the Chinese nation to learn from the excellent culture of other nationalities, but also a difficult course for the Chinese people to explore and continue to move towards the modern and modern times. Studying the issue of Chinese studying abroad in Japan is of practical significance in understanding the modernization of China. In addition, the history of Chinese studying abroad in Japan is not only in the history of Sino-Japanese culture, but also in the economies of the two countries. The diplomatic field also has a profound impact. Many aspects have confirmed the fact that the history of Chinese students studying in Japan constitutes an important factor in the history of Sino-Japanese relations. In this paper, the author intends to make a more comprehensive and clear analysis of the history of Chinese studying abroad in Japan for 120 years through the analysis of historical data from a macro perspective. At the same time, According to the development trend of studying abroad, the history of Chinese studying abroad in Japan is divided into two stages, that is, from the late Qing Dynasty (1896) to the Republic of China (1945). After the founding of the people's Republic of China, with the resumption of normal diplomatic relations between China and Japan, the second period of studying abroad in Japan in the sense of this article was designated as the high tide of studying in Japan.


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