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发布时间:2018-03-07 16:39

  本文选题:生命观 切入点:生命观教育 出处:《长春理工大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 随着我国改革开放,经济迅速发展,人们的物质生活日益丰富,然而经济的发展和社会的进步也给当代大学生带来一些消极影响。在物质生活越来越丰富的同时,享乐主义、拜金主义、极端个人主义等不良思想不断蔓延,导致社会中功利主义弥漫,人类的精神世界越来越匮乏,生活中更多的是对生命的迷茫,而缺乏了对人生价值和意义的追求。在这样的背景下,我国学者不断的关注大学生生命观教育问题研究。 本文从全面理解生命观教育的内涵,利用生命观教育相关理论入手,借助生命哲学理论和马克思主义价值观等理论。从而全面分析当代大学生生命观教育的现状及问题。并结合我国高校现实情况提出对策。分析影响大学生生命观教育的因素。文章共分为四部分: 第一部分,对中西方生命哲学和马克思主义生命价值观进行梳理和阐述,为进一步探讨生命观教育奠定了理论基础。 第二部分,通过对当前高校生命观教育发展现状进行分析,陈述当代大学生漠视生命现象的存在。 第三部分,从社会、学校、家庭、个人四个方面因素对当代学生生命观教育的影响。 第四部分,主要论述了大学生生命观教育的目标与内容,从理论上对大学生生命观教育进行了建构。对大学生生命观教育的实施进行了具体论述,以期对大学生生命观教育的实践起到指导和帮助作用。
[Abstract]:With China's reform and opening up, the rapid development of economy, people's material life is becoming richer, but the economic development and social progress of contemporary college students have to bring some negative effects. In the material life becomes richer at the same time, money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and other bad ideas continue to spread, leading to diffuse utilitarian society, human the spirit of the world becomes more and more scarce, life is more to life confusion, lack of value and meaning in the pursuit of life. In this context, Chinese scholars focus on the problem of the education of students continue to view of life.
This article from the connotation of a comprehensive understanding of life education, the life education theory, the theory of life philosophy and Marx's theories of value. Thus a comprehensive analysis on the status and problems of contemporary college students view of life education. And combining with the actual situation of colleges and universities in China. The countermeasures and analysis of factors affecting the view of life education of college students. Is divided into four parts:
In the first part, the Chinese and Western life philosophy and Marx's view of life value are combed and expounded, which lays a theoretical foundation for further discussion on the education of life outlook.
The second part, through the analysis of the current situation of the development of life outlook education in Colleges and universities, states the existence of contemporary college students' disregard of life phenomenon.
The third part, from the social, school, family, individual four factors of the contemporary students' life outlook education.
The fourth part mainly discusses the aim and content of education of the college students' Outlook on life, the construction of College Students' life education theoretically. On the implementation of life education of college students are discussed in detail, in order to guide and help to the practice of life education of college students.



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2 王影;;开设生命教育课程 发挥教育主渠道作用[J];现代交际;2012年01期

3 张久涛;刘颖;张春丽;;论大学生生命观教育的意义与实施办法[J];中国卫生事业管理;2012年09期

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