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发布时间:2018-03-07 23:32

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:绿色公民意识 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入工业社会之后,人类对自然资源的疯狂掠夺,进一步加剧了人与自然的矛盾,人类陷入了资源紧张、环境恶化和生态危机的泥潭之中。强烈的生存欲望,迫使人类必须由工业文明向生态文明转型。“面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势”,我党在继十七大提出生态文明之后,2012年,党的十八大报告从人民福祉、民族未来的战略高度,将生态文明建设与经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设并列,形成了社会主义经济、政治、文化、社会和生态“五位一体”的总体布局,并将“美丽中国”作为生态文明建设的落脚点和归宿。 生态文明是绿色文明,从“黑色文明”向“绿色文明”的转型需要绿色公民意识的觉醒。作为我国知识性的公民群体,大学生的绿色公民意识水平直接关系到生态文明建设的成败。因此,我们以大学生为研究对象,运用实证研究方法试图了解其绿色公民意识现状,并对其中存在的问题提出相应对策。我们认为这是具有一定理论和实践意义的。 基于以上考虑,本文研究的内容主要分为以下四个部分: 第一,阐明大学生“绿色公民”意识的基本理论。首先通过对国内外绿色公民相关理论的分析,总结出绿色公民的内涵和外延。其次,在该概念的基础上,确定绿色公民意识的主要内容,即生态意识、环境人权意识、环保的世界主义意识、绿色美德和责任意识以及环保的民主参与意识。 第二,在理论研究后,通过实证调查研究介绍我国目前大学生绿色公民意识的现状。我们运用分析软件SPSS19.0对调查所得数据进行分析,发现我国大学生缺乏生态系统性思维;环境人权意识薄弱;缺少环境问题的全球视野;绿色公德意识不足,道德自律性不强;环保的民主参与层次较低等问题。 第三,分析我国大学生绿色公民意识存在问题的原因,这些原因主要有我国传统文化中缺乏公德意识;高校环境教育中缺少公民意识内容;大学生受到市场经济功利主义思想的影响;缺少培养绿色公民意识的社会和法律环境。 第四,针对上述问题,探讨提高我国大学生绿色公民意识的对策。大学生绿色公民意识的增强是一项系统工程,它不仅需要政府、企业和媒体营造良好的社会和法律环境,还需要学校在环境教育中增加公民意识的内容,创新环境教育方法,提高大学生民主参与层次,更重要的是大学生要增强自身绿色道德的修养。
[Abstract]:After entering the industrial society, human beings plundered the natural resources and further aggravated the contradiction between man and nature. Human beings were trapped in the quagmire of resource tension, environmental deterioration and ecological crisis. They had a strong desire for survival. Forcing mankind to transform from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. "in the face of the severe situation of tight resource constraints, serious environmental pollution and ecosystem degradation," our Party proposed ecological civilization in 2012, following the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report of the 18 National Congress of the Party, from the perspective of the people's well-being and the strategic height of the nation's future, juxtaposed the construction of ecological civilization with economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction, forming socialist economy, politics and culture. The overall layout of social and ecological "five-in-one", and "beautiful China" as the end of ecological civilization construction. Ecological civilization is a green civilization. The transition from "black civilization" to "green civilization" requires the awakening of green civic consciousness. The level of green citizenship consciousness of college students is directly related to the success or failure of the construction of ecological civilization. And put forward the corresponding countermeasures to the existing problems, which we think is of certain theoretical and practical significance. Based on the above considerations, the content of this paper is divided into the following four parts:. First, it clarifies the basic theory of college students'"green citizen" consciousness. Firstly, through the analysis of the related theories of green citizen at home and abroad, it summarizes the connotation and extension of green citizen. Secondly, on the basis of this concept, The main contents of green citizenship consciousness are ecological consciousness, environmental human rights consciousness, environmental cosmopolitanism consciousness, green virtue and responsibility consciousness and environmental protection democratic participation consciousness. Second, after the theoretical research, through the empirical investigation to introduce the current situation of green citizenship awareness of college students in our country. We use the analysis software SPSS19.0 to analyze the data obtained from the investigation, and find that the college students in our country lack the ecological systematic thinking; The consciousness of environmental human rights is weak; the global vision of environmental problems is lacking; the consciousness of green public morality is not enough, the moral self-discipline is not strong, and the level of democratic participation in environmental protection is low. Thirdly, it analyzes the reasons for the problems in the green citizenship consciousness of college students, which are mainly due to the lack of public morality consciousness in the traditional culture of our country, the lack of civic consciousness content in the environmental education of colleges and universities; College students are influenced by market economy utilitarianism and lack of social and legal environment to cultivate green citizen consciousness. 4th, aiming at the above problems, this paper probes into the countermeasures to improve the green citizenship consciousness of college students in our country. The enhancement of the green citizenship consciousness of college students is a systematic project, which not only requires the government, enterprises and media to create a good social and legal environment, It is also necessary for schools to increase the content of civic consciousness in environmental education, to innovate the methods of environmental education, to improve the level of democratic participation of college students, and, more importantly, to enhance their own green moral cultivation.


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1 本报记者 刘昶 鲜晓荻 实习生 杨丹;[N];贵阳日报;2011年

2 车海刚;[N];中国经济时报;2005年

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1 陆静;中学地理课程中的环境教育研究[D];南京师范大学;2006年




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