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发布时间:2018-03-08 10:03

  本文选题:日本 切入点:国立 出处:《上海外国语大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本论文以日本国立大学法人的财务状况为论题、论述了国立大学法人化在财务上的影响。法人化实施的宗旨是废除固有的老化制度、促进大学的教育研究水平的提高。但实际的实施效果很难一概而论、故本论文从财务角度分析法人化的利弊。 法人化的最显著特点是运营交付金的减少、其结果是各国立大学把很多精力用于增加自身收入和外部资金。虽然一定程度上激活了教育和研究活动、但是也给教育研究带来了打击。首先为了获取研究补助金、不能冷静的把握教育和研究的平衡、过度将教育转向研究领域。甚至在研究活动上倾向于选择容易获得补助金的项目或短期出结果的研究项目。造成研究体制弱化、基础研究薄弱、论文发表数下降。这样一味的创收背离了大学运营的宗旨。 其次中期考核是法人化的第二特点。日本政府舍弃以往的直接行政管辖、向大学提出每六年的中期目标、各国立大学每年汇报业务实绩、经由大学评价委员会做出评价、检测并将结果反映到国立大学的资源分配上。问题是中期目标限定了时间、往往以短期成果为评价对象、并呈现指标化、这与国立大学的多样化、创造性背道而驰。 最后是从国立大学间的格差这一视点分析、格差在扩大的同时、很多地方国立大学和教育类国立大学出现严重资金不足、使教育和研究遭遇困境。根据调查显示、总体上旧帝国大学的校长对法人化持肯定态度、而单科大学等小规模大学的校长则持否定态度。这种有利或不利的立场处境也加剧了格差的扩大。 现状是竞争和效率化理论的引入成为运营费交付金不断削减正当化的手段、资金不足造成研究课题规模缩小、研究转向实用型、企业研究、短期研究及商业开发研究。从而不利于基础研究的发展。从整体上来看,高等教育问题和财政问题混为一谈、使教育问题沦为紧缩成本的商业行为。以上、本论文从财务的视点论述了法人化给教育研究带来的不利影响。
[Abstract]:Based on the financial status of the legal person of the National University of Japan, this paper discusses the financial impact of the legalization of the national university. The purpose of the implementation of the legalization is to abolish the inherent aging system. It is difficult to generalize the practical effect of this paper, so this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of legalization from the financial point of view. The most salient feature of legalization is the reduction in operational contributions, which has resulted in national universities devoting much of their energy to increasing their own income and external funding, although education and research activities have been activated to some extent. But it also dealt a blow to educational research. First of all, in order to obtain research grants, we could not calmly grasp the balance between education and research. The excessive diversion of education to the field of research. Even in research activities there is a tendency to choose projects with easy access to grants or research projects with short-term results. This weakens the research system and weakens basic research. The number of papers published has dropped. Such income-generating is a departure from the tenet of running a university. Second, the mid-term assessment is the second characteristic of legalization. The Japanese Government has abandoned its previous direct administrative jurisdiction and proposed to universities the medium-term goal of every six years. Each national university reports on its business performance annually and evaluates it through the university evaluation committee. The problem is that the medium term goal limits the time, often takes the short-term achievement as the appraisal object, and presents the index, which is contrary to the diversification and creativity of the national university. Finally, from the point of view of the gap between national universities, as the gap expands, many local national universities and educational national universities suffer from serious underfunding, making education and research difficult. According to the survey, In general, the presidents of the old Imperial University have a positive attitude towards legalization, while the presidents of small universities such as single-subject universities take a negative attitude. The present situation is that the introduction of the theory of competition and efficiency has become the means of continuously reducing and justifying the cost of operating expenses, and the lack of funds has resulted in the reduction of the scale of the research project, and the research has turned to practical, enterprise research. Short-term research and commercial development research. This is not conducive to the development of basic research. Overall, higher education issues and financial problems are confused, making education problems a cost-tightening business. This paper discusses the adverse effects of legalization on educational research from the point of view of finance.


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