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发布时间:2018-03-10 17:17

  本文选题:国家助学贷款 切入点:信用问题 出处:《广西师范学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:National student loan is a kind of individual financing means of higher education, which is widely carried out all over the world at present. Under the background of the popularization of higher education and the reform of college fees in our country, the policy of student loan is implemented. It has supported and promoted the further development of higher education and has been welcomed by students and parents. However, in the process of practice, credit problems affect the sustainable development of student loans. This research begins with the transaction cost theory, analyzes the transaction cost of each subject under the current national student loan system. This paper mainly adopts the literature research method and the analysis research method, through the research related literature at home and abroad, This paper describes the status of credit in the evolution of the national student loan policy, and summarizes the main performance of the credit problem in the physical operation stage of the state student loan. At the same time, it analyzes the transaction cost of each transaction subject in each stage. The main reason for the credit problem of the national student loan is that the individual credit system of the national student loan is not perfect. Based on the game theory, this paper constructs a game model of bank-government, bank-university and bank-student. This paper analyzes that the source of the credit problem of the national student loan is information asymmetry. Combining the actual situation of the national student loan in our country and the experience of the foreign student loan management, two kinds of credit mechanism of the national student loan in our country are envisaged. The government leading mode and the market economy operating mode, which put forward the responsibility of the government, the bank, the university and the students respectively, and put forward the corresponding credit mechanism of the state student loan to reduce the transaction cost of each subject.


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