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  本文选题:信息素养 切入点:评价指标体系 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“信息素养”(Information Literacy)在1974年被P.Zurkowski提出之后,经过了几十年的发展和延伸,无论在图书馆学领域、教育领域还是信息技术领域,都受到极大重视和关注。目前,随着创新型国家建设步伐的推进,对创新型人才的需求量越来越大,而信息素养则是创新型人才的必备素质。大学生是创新型人才的主要生力军,更是国家的栋梁和未来的希望,大学生信息素养能力的评价、提高和培养更是高等教育的目标之一。然而目前存在的国外的大学生信息素养评价体系由于与中国的国情和现状有一定的不符合性,无法很好的被中国采纳和利用,而已制定的中国大学生信息素养评价指标体系具有科学性差、可操作性低、可测性差、导向性差等缺点,因此新的大学生信息素养评价指标体系的制定迫在眉睫。 本文分为四个部分: 第一部分,即论文的第一章和第二章。第一部分通过对信息素养发展现状、信息素养评价指标体系的发展和研究现状进行分析,明确了本研究的目的、意义和方法。通过对了解大学生的专家和大学生本身两个方面进行调查,确定更为科学的信息素养评价指标体系。 第二部分,即论文的第三章。作为本文的重点,本研究主要通过对大学生、专家进行的两轮调查确定大学生信息素养评价指标体系。第一轮调查对大学生信息素养评价指标体系的条目文字进行调查,通过访谈等形式,修改和调整评价指标体系的条目和层次结构,形成了分为信息知识、信息获取能力、信息利用能力、信息吸纳能力、信息伦理5个一级指标,15个二级指标,48个三级指标的信息素养评价条目。第二轮调查则是对大学生信息素养评价指标体系进行赋值,并利用层次分析法等方法,确定指标体系各条目的权重。最终得出大学生信息素养评价指标体系。 第三部分,即论文的第四章。该章节通过对本科生、研究生根据指标所评价的结果与定性分析结果对比,利用模糊综合分析法,对比定量和定性的结果,证明了所制定的大学生信息素养评价指标体系的科学新、可行性和可信性。 第四部分,即论文的第五章。该章节对整篇论文进行了总结,表明了该研究的贡献、作用和对该研究的进一步发展的展望。 通过对大学生信息素养评价指标体系的制定和验证,保证了指标体系的科学性、可操作性、可测性和导向性。利用这个评价指标体系,能够很好地评价大学生信息素养水平、指导信息素养的培养和教育方向、激励大学生提高信息素养能力。
[Abstract]:"Information Literacy" was put forward by P.Zurkowski in 1974, after decades of development and extension, both in the field of library science, education and information technology, great attention and attention have been paid. With the development of innovative national construction, the demand for innovative talents is increasing, and information literacy is the essential quality of innovative talents. It is also the pillar of the country and the hope for the future, the evaluation of the ability of university students' information literacy, Improving and cultivating is one of the goals of higher education. However, the information literacy evaluation system in foreign countries can not be adopted and utilized by China because of its inconformity with the situation and current situation of China. The evaluation index system of Chinese university students' information literacy has the disadvantages of poor science, low maneuverability, poor testability and poor guidance, so it is urgent to establish a new evaluation index system for college students' information literacy. This paper is divided into four parts:. The first part is the first and second chapters of the thesis. The first part analyzes the present situation of information literacy development, the development of information literacy evaluation index system and the research status quo, and clarifies the purpose of this study. Through the investigation of experts and college students themselves, a more scientific evaluation index system of information literacy is established. The second part, the third chapter of the thesis. As the focus of this paper, this study mainly through the college students, The experts conducted two rounds of investigations to determine the evaluation index system of university students' information literacy. The first round of investigations investigated the entry words of the evaluation index system of university students' information literacy, and through interviews and so on, Modifying and adjusting the items and hierarchical structure of the evaluation index system, forming the capability of information knowledge, information acquisition, information utilization, information absorption, The second round of the investigation is to assign value to the evaluation index system of information literacy of college students, and to use analytic hierarchy process and other methods. Determine the weight of each item in the index system. Finally, get the evaluation index system of college students' information literacy. The third part is the 4th chapter of the thesis. This chapter compares the results of qualitative analysis with the results of the evaluation of undergraduate and graduate students according to the index, and compares the quantitative and qualitative results with the fuzzy comprehensive analysis method. It proves that the evaluation index system of college students' information literacy is scientific, feasible and credible. Part 4th, which is the 5th chapter of the thesis, summarizes the whole paper, and shows the contribution, function and prospects for further development of the research. Through the establishment and verification of the evaluation index system of college students' information literacy, the scientific, operational, measurable and guiding characteristics of the index system are guaranteed. Using this evaluation index system, the level of information literacy of college students can be well evaluated. Guide the cultivation of information literacy and the direction of education, encourage college students to improve the ability of information literacy.


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