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发布时间:2018-03-12 08:25

  本文选题:高校学生 切入点:网络舆情 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校学生网络舆情是高校学生就当前校内外各种现象或问题所发表的各种情绪、态度或者意见等的总和。随着新媒体的迅速发展,高校学生网络舆情也出现了一些新变化、新趋势,这种变化对高校学生的学习生活和学校的日常管理产生了深远影响。研究新媒体背景之下的高校学生网络舆情发展,探索舆情发展的影响因素,建立有效可行的舆情引导对策,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。 本研究以2012年全年的高校学生网络舆情事件为研究样本,以期对中国高校学生网络舆情的发展情况进行把握。通过设置“高校学生对当前网络舆情主要问题的总体评价”等20个问题,该研究在湖南省内选择了湖南大学、湖南师范大学、湖南大众传媒职业技术学院进行网络调查。它们分别代表以理工为主的“985”全国重点综合院校、文科为主的“211”地方师范本科院校和地方专科高职学院。调查发现,高校学生网络舆情主要受到舆情主客体及传播媒介、传播过程、拟态环境的影响。在前文研究的基础上,本研究描绘了高校学生网络舆情演变规律图,指出了当前高校学生网络舆情主要存在非理性舆情众多、网络谣言泛滥、舆情平台去中心化、舆情引导力弱化等问题。 在对高校学生网络舆情引导的前提与原则进行探讨后,研究发现,高校学生网络舆情引导需要遵循“把握舆情引导时机、优先维护学生群体利益及以间接干预为主”三大原则。结合高校学生网络舆情引导实际,该研究进一步提出高校学生网络舆情引导方略包括微观和宏观两个层面。微观层面主要包括:贴近学生,积极回应诉求;改善管理,重塑高校形象;校媒联动,,培育意见领袖;议程设置,提升引导能力。宏观层面主要有:提升高校危机公关质量;不同舆情分阶段适时引导;构建高校学生网络舆情引导体系;推动高校全媒体舆情平台建设。
[Abstract]:College students' network public opinion is the sum total of all kinds of emotions, attitudes or opinions expressed by college students on various phenomena or problems inside and outside the university. With the rapid development of new media, there have also been some new changes in college students' network public opinion. The new trend, this kind of change has had the profound influence to the university student's study life and the school's daily management, studies the university student network public opinion development under the new media background, explores the influence factor of the public opinion development, It is of great theoretical significance and practical value to establish effective and feasible public opinion guiding countermeasures. This study takes the college students' network public opinion events in 2012 as the research sample. With a view to grasping the development of network public opinion among college students in China, the study selected Hunan University in Hunan Province by setting up 20 questions, such as "the overall evaluation of the main problems of network public opinion among college students", and so on. Hunan normal University and Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College carry out network investigations. They represent the "985" national key comprehensive colleges, the "211" local normal universities and the local specialized vocational colleges, which are dominated by science and technology, respectively. College students' network public opinion is mainly influenced by the subject and object of public opinion, media, communication process and mimic environment. On the basis of the previous research, this study describes the law of the evolution of college students' network public opinion. This paper points out that there are many problems in college students' network public opinion, such as the number of irrational public opinion, the flood of network rumors, the decentralization of public opinion platform, the weakening of public opinion guiding force, and so on. After discussing the premise and principle of college students' network public opinion guidance, it is found that the university students' network public opinion guidance should follow the "grasp the opportunity of public opinion guidance". Priority is given to safeguarding the interests of students' groups and taking indirect intervention as the main "three principles." combined with college students' network public opinion to guide the reality, The research further proposes that the guiding strategy of college students' network public opinion includes micro and macro levels. The micro level mainly includes: close to the students, actively respond to the demands, improve management, reshape the image of colleges and universities, cooperate with the school media, cultivate opinion leaders; The macro level mainly includes: improving the quality of crisis public relations in colleges and universities; guiding different public opinions in stages and timely; constructing the guidance system of college students' network public opinion; promoting the construction of the whole media public opinion platform in colleges and universities.


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