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发布时间:2018-03-12 09:09

  本文选题:中外合作办学 切入点:品牌建设 出处:《江苏科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:品牌在营销领域发展的比较成熟和完善,教育行业的品牌建设也有一段时间的发展和一定程度的研究,借鉴大学品牌建设的相关文献和研究对中外合作办学进行品牌建设研究。通过对品牌建设方面理论知识的阅读和总结,利用品牌方面的有关理论知识,将中外合作办学的品牌建设分为品牌定位、品牌规划、品牌传播、品牌评估和品牌维护五个阶段。品牌定位阶段,借鉴清华大学经济管理学院李飞教授的品牌定位点选择模型,又充分考虑到中外合作办学的特点对其进行了改进;将品牌规划阶段设计成培育品牌课程、培育品牌教师和培育品牌学生三个方面,主要利用教学过程中最重要的三个要素对品牌的内涵进行丰富;品牌传播阶段根据学校目标受众的特点分为内部和外部传播,将中外合作办学的品牌通过不同的传播媒介和传播手段尽可能的宣传认知度和扩大影响面;品牌评估阶段则是设计品牌评估体系对品牌建设取得的成效进行检验和监督,随时发现品牌建设过程中存在的问题和不足并及时加以修正,,把品牌评估体系设计成调查问卷调查研究,运用SPSS19.0软件将获得的数据进行处理,并对指标体系进行改进和完善,最后确定比较完善的、符合实际的品牌评估体系;品牌维护阶段将品牌的影响力分为品牌知名度、品牌美誉度和品牌忠诚度,对这三个方面的维护,就能够使品牌得到持续的保护,实现中外合作办学品牌长久的发展。 最后利用江苏科技大学的中法项目作为案例,通过对中法项目实地调查研究和分析,针对中法项目计算机专业进行了实例品牌建设研究。
[Abstract]:Brand development in the field of marketing mature and perfect, the research of education industry brand building also has a period of development and to a certain extent, reference of university brand building related literature and Research on the construction of the brand of Sino foreign cooperation in running schools. Based on the brand construction aspect theory knowledge of reading and summarizing the relevant theoretical knowledge, the use of the brand, the brand building of Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools will be divided into brand positioning, brand planning, brand communication, brand maintenance and evaluation of five stages of brand. Brand positioning, brand positioning from the point of science, Tsinghua University professor Li Fei tube economic choice model, and give full consideration to the characteristics of Sino foreign cooperative education to be improved the design of the brand planning stage; to cultivate brand course, cultivate brand and cultivate the brand of teachers three students, mainly used in the process of teaching the most important The connotation of the three elements of the brand are rich; brand communication stage according to the characteristics of the school of the target audience is divided into internal and external communication, Sino foreign cooperative education brand through different media as propaganda awareness and expand its influence; brand evaluation stage is the design of brand evaluation system for brand building the results of inspection and supervision, found at any time in the process of brand building problems and timely corrected, the brand evaluation system designed a survey questionnaire, the data obtained were processed by SPSS19.0 software, and the index system is improved and perfected, and finally determine the perfect, brand evaluation system in line with the actual the brand; brand maintenance stage will be divided into brand awareness, brand reputation and brand loyalty of the three aspects The maintenance of the brand will enable the brand to continue to protect and realize the long-term development of the Chinese and foreign cooperative running brands.
Finally, taking the Sino French project of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology as a case, through the on-the-spot investigation and analysis of Sino French project, a case study on brand building of Sino French project computer specialty is carried out.



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