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发布时间:2018-03-12 12:27

  本文选题:员工援助计划(EAP) 切入点:高校 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高校教师是大学教学、科研任务的承担主体,肩负培养人才、传承文化、知识创新的重要责任和使命。在高等教育日已走向社会中心的今天,高校教师承受着来源于社会、家庭、工作以及个人身心上的多重压力,很容易产生一些心理问题。然而,我国大多数高校还没有专门的组织机构为广大教师提供相应的心理援助或服务,多数高校教师主要是通过自我管理来解决心理问题。高校中的心理咨询机构也多是针对在校学生,很少能够为高校教师提供服务。源于企业的高校员工援助计划(EAP项目),是高校为教职工设置的一套系统、长期的心理援助和服务项目,工作内容涉及到了员工的精神压力、心理健康、个人发展等各方面的问题,能够有效的帮助员工解决压力问题,提高工作效率,为高校这一组织提供更加系统高效的管理。美国第一个高校EAP项目,始于上个世纪的七十年代,,到1989年美国接近150所高等院校实施了员工援助计划。2005年南京秦淮区建立了我国第一个教师援助机构,其服务对象主要是南京市学前及中小学教师,目前该教师援助机构已取得了一些成效。而在我国高校中实施员工援助计划的相关实践还是空白期,因此,探索员工援助计划在高校的实施具有重要的意义和价值。 本文采用比较分析法、问卷调查法、案例分析法、文献研究法等研究方法通过对员工援助计划理论及压力管理理论的阐述,引申出员工援助计划在我国高校教师压力管理中应用的思考。其次,在对美国密苏里大学EAP项目、我国南京市秦淮区教师心理援助中心等进行案例分析基础上,查找可资借鉴的成功经验。再次,对沈阳医学院、沈阳工程学院、沈阳大学3所高校进行了教师职业压力和压力管理需求调查,分析了我国高校实施员工援助计划的必要性、可行性以及应当遵循的原则等。最后,在前述研究基础上,本文提出了我国高校引入员工援助计划的设计方案,并对我国高校实施员工援助计划的前景进行了展望。
[Abstract]:College teachers are the main body of university teaching and scientific research task, and shoulder the important responsibility and mission of cultivating talents, inheriting culture and knowledge innovation. Family, work and personal physical and mental pressures can easily lead to some psychological problems. However, most colleges and universities in our country do not have a special organization to provide corresponding psychological assistance or services to the vast number of teachers. Most college teachers solve psychological problems mainly through self-management. Psychological counseling institutions in colleges and universities are also mostly aimed at students. It is a long-term psychological aid and service project set up by colleges and universities, which involves the psychological stress of employees. Mental health, personal development and other issues can effectively help employees solve stress problems, improve work efficiency, and provide more systematic and efficient management for this organization. Starting from 0th century in 0th century, by 1989, nearly 150 colleges and universities in the United States had implemented employee assistance programs. In 2005, the Qinhuai District in Nanjing established the first teacher aid organization in our country. Its service targets are mainly preschool and primary and secondary school teachers in Nanjing. At present, the teacher aid organization has made some achievements, but the practice of implementing employee assistance plan in colleges and universities in our country is still a blank period. Therefore, it is of great significance and value to explore the implementation of employee assistance plan in colleges and universities. This paper adopts comparative analysis method, questionnaire method, case analysis method, literature research method and so on through the staff assistance plan theory and the stress management theory elaboration, Secondly, on the basis of the case study on the EAP project of the University of Missouri and the Qinhuai District Teachers' Psychological Assistance Center in Nanjing, China, the author thinks about the application of the employee Assistance Program to the stress management of college teachers in our country. Thirdly, the author makes a survey on the demands of teachers' professional pressure and stress management in Shenyang Medical College, Shenyang Institute of Engineering and Shenyang University, and analyzes the necessity of implementing employee assistance programs in Chinese universities. Finally, on the basis of the above research, this paper puts forward the design scheme of introducing employee assistance plan into our country's colleges and universities, and looks forward to the prospect of implementing employee assistance plan in our country's colleges and universities.


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5 龚惠香;李向晟;刘明睿;王静;y嚱ǹ




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