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发布时间:2018-03-12 18:44

  本文选题:英语 切入点:师范 出处:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在中国,英语是从基础教育到高等教育的必修课。英语教育到底应该具备怎样的知识,近年来引发越来越多外语教学研究者的热烈讨论,原因是英语在社会生活中的重要性与日俱增,想要学好英语除了要有正确的方法,英语教师的素质也至关重要。教师职前教育是职业发展过程中一个非常重要的环节,而综合英语课程(高年级时也叫做高级英语)作为英语师范生大一到大四的一门必修课,在专业课程中比重最大,,应该得到足够的重视。本文的目标是从英语师范生职业发展的角度来检验综合英语教材课文中包含的知识能否满足学生的需求,从而探讨师范综合英语教材课文选材应有的原则和理念。 本研究选择了新中国成立以来英语专业学生使用较多、认可度较大的15套综合英语教材,对每套教材的主题进行定性分类与定量分析,统计出课文主题的分配情况。同时对完成教学实习的师范英语专业大四学生进行问卷调查,对中学英语教师和教材编写者进行访谈,以他们的视角对综合英语教材的使用情况做出评价并且针对课文选材提出意见。通过研究作者得到以下发现:1)综合英语教材中百科知识比较丰富,涉及到包括社会、文化、政治、生态、科技、以及人文修养、人际关系、伦理道德、性格塑造等各个方面,基本能够满足师范生在知识面拓展方面的需求。2)综合英语教材提供的能体现英语教师专业性的学科教学知识并不多,比如课堂教案的设计、课堂管理、教学评价标准等知识涉及的很少,也不能满足学生培养英语教学能力的需要。3)教材中课文内容稍显陈旧,选材不能体现时效性和前瞻性,因此传递的信息相对滞后,因而会丧失文章的趣味性。 基于本研究的结论与发现,作者对今后师范生综合英语教材课文的选材提出以下建议:1)教材编写之前需要展开大规模需求分析。2)适量增加英语学科教学知识的课文。3)培养学生终身学习的习惯与教学反思意识。4)在坚持英语语言技能训练的同时,重视培养学生的师德素质及树立正确的职业信念,表现为关爱、尊重学生,乐于奉献和追求自我价值实现等。 围绕以上几点,本文作者构建了一个师范生综合英语教材课文编写的框架。该框架包括课文选材应有的理念,对知识内容的选择和顺序安排,以及对大纲词汇的有效处理。作者认为,师范生综合英语教材的课文注重体现对师范生专业素质的培养,既要传递百科知识扩大学生的眼界和知识范围,也要传递英语教师应该具备的核心知识,如学科教学知识和教育心理知识等。具体到编写细节,就要考虑到课文A、B、C负责承载哪些主题知识,以区分知识的重点、难点,同时兼顾到大纲规定词汇的学习,保证学生顺利通过英语专业等级考试的要求。
[Abstract]:In China, English is a compulsory course from basic education to higher education. In recent years, more and more researchers in foreign language teaching have been discussing what kind of knowledge English education should have. The reason is that English is becoming more and more important in social life. In order to learn English well, the quality of English teachers is also very important. Pre-service education is a very important link in the process of professional development. As a compulsory course for English teachers' freshmen to senior students, comprehensive English courses (also called advanced English in senior grades) have the largest proportion in professional courses. The aim of this paper is to test whether the knowledge contained in the text can meet the needs of the students from the perspective of professional development of English teachers. Therefore, this paper probes into the principles and concepts of text selection in the comprehensive English teaching materials for teachers' colleges. In this study, 15 sets of comprehensive English teaching materials, which have been widely used and accepted by English majors since the founding of New China, are selected to classify and analyze the subjects of each set of textbooks qualitatively and quantitatively. At the same time, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the senior English majors who completed the teaching practice, and interviews were conducted among the middle school English teachers and the textbook writers. From their perspective, the author evaluates the use of comprehensive English textbooks and offers suggestions on the selection of text materials. The author finds that the following findings are as follows: 1) Encyclopedic knowledge in integrated English textbooks is relatively rich, involving both society and culture. Politics, ecology, science and technology, humanities, relationships, ethics, character building, etc. It can basically meet the needs of teachers' students in the field of knowledge development. 2) the comprehensive English teaching materials provide not much subject teaching knowledge that reflects the professional nature of English teachers, such as the design of classroom teaching plans, classroom management, The knowledge involved in teaching evaluation standards is few, and it can not meet the needs of the students to cultivate their English teaching ability. 3) the text content in the textbook is a little obsolete, the material selection can not reflect the timeliness and foresight, so the information transmitted is relatively lagging behind. As a result, the interest of the article will be lost. Based on the conclusions and findings of this study, The author puts forward the following suggestions on the selection of text materials for teachers' college students' comprehensive English teaching materials: 1) before compiling the textbook, we need to carry out large-scale needs analysis. 2) appropriate amount of text. 3) to increase the teaching knowledge of English subjects) to cultivate students' habit of lifelong learning. Habit and teaching introspection consciousness. 4) while persisting in English language skill training, Attention should be paid to the cultivation of students' moral qualities and the establishment of correct professional beliefs, which can be manifested as caring, respecting students, being willing to give and pursue the realization of self-worth, and so on. Around the above points, the author constructs a framework for the compilation of comprehensive English textbooks for normal school students. The framework includes the concept of text selection, the selection of knowledge content and the arrangement of the sequence of knowledge. And how to deal with the outline vocabulary effectively. The author thinks that the text of the comprehensive English textbook for normal school students should pay attention to the cultivation of their professional quality, and should transfer encyclopedic knowledge to expand the students' horizon and scope of knowledge. It is also necessary to transfer the core knowledge that English teachers should possess, such as subject teaching knowledge and educational psychological knowledge, etc. When it comes to writing details, it is necessary to take into account what subject knowledge the text is responsible for carrying, so as to distinguish the key and difficult points of the knowledge. At the same time, the syllabus of vocabulary learning, to ensure that students pass the requirements of the English professional grade examination.


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