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发布时间:2018-03-13 00:25

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:人文精神 出处:《宁夏大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:一个生命就是一座丰碑,生命的全部价值和意义不仅仅表现在我们何以为生,而且建立在为何而生的人生目标上。现代大学在器物层面上,应该是运用教学传承、创造高深知识,培养大学生掌握生活技能并能运用高科技知识加快生产力发展,促进社会的进步。在精神层面上,应该是要培养大学生追求真理的精神,对全人类有高度的道德责任感,关注人类生命的终极意义。 大学生人文精神的培育是大学生全面发展的需要,是现代教育发展的需要,是和谐社会建设的需要。我国大学教育在较长的历史时期内偏重于知识的传授和“应试教育”而忽视了人文精神的培育。近年来,社会和高校对大学生人文精神培育的重视逐步加强,也采取了很多措施,取得了不错的成绩,但是当前大学生人文精神现状仍然堪忧。在研究大学生人文精神培育的问题上,我们首先要研究在人的全面发展中起独特作用的德育和智育。高校应该坚持德智两育平衡和渗透发展,以培养大学生科学智性和高尚德性带动大学生人文精神的培育和全面发展的实现。并且在这个过程中,不断丰富大学生人文精神,引导大学生在生理上、精神上都成人。帮助大学生在世俗、现实的生活中有积极的人生态度,鲜明的价值判断,高度的道德责任感,科学的创造力和审美能力,关注人类生命的终极意义,充分完成外在世界的建构和自我的实现。 本文从当代大学生人文精神的概念和内涵入手,分析当代大学生人文精神的现状并分析其原因。提出德智两育的平衡发展对大学生人文精神培养的意义,探索从德智两育平衡的角度提出大学生人文精神培育的路径。这种研究有利于大学生健康的人文精神的发展和全面发展的实现,无论是对于个人还是对于社会主义现代化建设都有积极的意义。
[Abstract]:A life is a monument, the whole value and significance of life is not only expressed in how we earn a living, but also based on the purpose of life. To create advanced knowledge, to train college students to master life skills and to use high-tech knowledge to accelerate the development of productive forces and to promote social progress. Have a high sense of moral responsibility to all mankind, and pay attention to the ultimate significance of human life. The cultivation of the humanistic spirit of college students is the need of the all-round development of college students and the need of the development of modern education. It is the need of the construction of a harmonious society. In the long historical period, the university education in our country has paid more attention to the imparting of knowledge and "examination-oriented education" and neglected the cultivation of humanistic spirit. The society and universities pay more and more attention to the cultivation of the humanistic spirit of college students, and have taken many measures and achieved good results. However, the present situation of the humanistic spirit of college students is still worrisome. First of all, we should study moral and intellectual education, which play a unique role in the overall development of human beings. Colleges and universities should maintain a balanced and permeable development between moral and intellectual education. In order to cultivate the scientific intelligence and noble virtue of college students, the cultivation and all-round development of the humanistic spirit of college students are promoted. In this process, the humanistic spirit of college students is constantly enriched and the students are guided in physiology. Help college students have a positive attitude towards life, a clear value judgment, a high degree of moral responsibility, scientific creativity and aesthetic ability, and pay attention to the ultimate significance of human life. Fully complete the construction of the external world and self-realization. Starting with the concept and connotation of humanistic spirit of contemporary college students, this paper analyzes the present situation and causes of humanistic spirit of contemporary college students, and points out the significance of the balanced development of moral and intellectual education to the cultivation of humanistic spirit of college students. This study is beneficial to the development of the healthy humanistic spirit of college students and the realization of their all-round development. Both for the individual and for the socialist modernization drive has a positive significance.


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