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发布时间:2018-03-14 10:18

  本文选题:高等教育 切入点:国际化 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入二十一世纪以来,世界经济一体化进程的加深使得世界各国竞争日趋白热化,传统的综合国力竞争已经逐步演化为人力资源竞争,包括我国在内的世界各国对高等教育国际化人才引进、培养的需求更加迫切,在此形势下,高等教育国际化不断受到世界各国的重视。 云南省作为我国西南边疆省份,社会经济、高等教育等领域明显落后于内陆发达省份地区,近年来随着西部大开发战略的制定和实施,云南省与东南亚周边国家接壤以及作为东盟桥头堡的区位优势等积极因素的逐步显现,加之国内高等教育国际化事业的不断推进和加深,云南高等教育国际化发展迎来了—个前所未有的发展契机。 本文从云南省高等教育发展现状出发对云南省高等教育国际化相关概念进行阐述,运用PEST-SWOT交叉分析模型对现阶段下的云南省高等教育国际化发展的政治、社会、经济和技术环境进行优劣、机会和挑战交叉分析,并在此基础上明确了云南省高等教育国际化发展的战略指导思想,确定阶段和总体战略目标,打造新阶段下云南省政府、高等教育管理机构及高校的功能模式,从而构建出云南省高等教育国际化的发展战略。 在发展战略的基础上,本文通过注重培养、强化交流,发挥优势、彰显特色,建立机制、加强合作,增设机构、完善保障等四个方面进一步提出发展战略的具体实施措施,同时提出适时构建云南省高教集团及成立云南——东南亚高等教育服务贸易区的建议,对云南省高教集团的内部架构及云南省高等教育国际化质量保障体系进行初步构建。 本文对云南省高等教育国际化发展战略的构建不仅以战略的高度总览影响高等教育国际化发展的宏观因素,摆脱了过去对高等教育国际化进行微观和独立研究的传统窠臼,从而具有理论意义;与此同时,本文提出实施策略也为其他省份地区的高等教育国际化发展研究提供了参考依据,因而又具有现实意义。
[Abstract]:Since 21th century, with the deepening of the process of world economic integration, the competition among countries in the world has become more and more intense, and the traditional competition of comprehensive national strength has gradually evolved into the competition of human resources. The internationalization of higher education has been paid more and more attention by the countries all over the world, including our country. As a frontier province in southwest China, Yunnan Province lags behind the developed inland provinces in the fields of social economy, higher education and so on. In recent years, with the development and implementation of the western development strategy, The positive factors such as Yunnan's border with the neighboring countries of Southeast Asia and its regional advantages as a bridgehead of ASEAN have gradually emerged, and the internationalization of domestic higher education has continued to advance and deepen. The internationalization development of Yunnan higher education ushered in an unprecedented development opportunity. Based on the current situation of the development of higher education in Yunnan Province, this paper expounds the related concepts of internationalization of higher education in Yunnan Province, and uses the PEST-SWOT cross-analysis model to analyze the political and social aspects of the internationalization of higher education in Yunnan Province at the present stage. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the economic and technological environment, the strategic guiding ideology of the internationalization development of higher education in Yunnan Province is defined, the stage and the overall strategic objectives are determined, and the provincial government of Yunnan Province is established in the new stage. The function model of higher education management institutions and colleges and universities, so as to construct the development strategy of higher education internationalization in Yunnan Province. On the basis of the development strategy, this paper puts forward the concrete implementation measures of the development strategy from the following four aspects: focusing on training, strengthening communication, giving full play to advantages, highlighting characteristics, establishing mechanism, strengthening cooperation, establishing institutions, perfecting security, etc. At the same time, the paper puts forward the suggestion of setting up Yunnan higher education group and Yunnan-Southeast Asia higher education service trade area in good time, and constructs the internal structure of Yunnan higher education group and the quality guarantee system of higher education internationalization in Yunnan Province. In this paper, the construction of internationalization development strategy of higher education in Yunnan Province is not only a strategic overview of the macro factors affecting the development of internationalization of higher education, but also a break away from the traditional pattern of micro and independent research on internationalization of higher education in the past. At the same time, this paper also provides a reference for the study of the internationalization of higher education in other provinces, so it has practical significance.


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