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发布时间:2018-03-15 04:36

  本文选题:实践智力 切入点:默会知识 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在生活中经常有这样的现象:有的人学业成绩很好,但是他们在工作中处理日常问题时却表现不佳。而有的人的学业成绩不是非常突出,在工作中却表现得高人一等。出现这种现象的主要原因在于:学术与非学术环境对智力或能力结构的要求不同。这种现象引发了学术界对传统智力理论的重新思考。在这种背景下,Sternberg等提出了实践智力理论,弥补了传统智力理论的不足,为研究智力对人们在日常工作中表现的影响指出了方向,并且研究者们编制了一些实践智力的测验。 本研究以我国高校班干部为对象,根据Sternberg等提出的实践智力理论和Wagner等提出的默会知识理论,编制了高校班干部班级管理默会知识问卷,并对其信效度进行了检验。然后在研究了管理者绩效的影响因素的基础上,考查了高校班干部的实践智力、智力和人格与他们的班级管理绩效之间的关系,,探讨了对班级管理绩效的预测因素,并比较了它们的贡献大小。本研究主要以山东师范大学的大三年级班干部为被试,采用问卷调查的方法对高校班干部的实践智力、智力和人格进行了测量,使用SPSS17.0软件对数据进行分析和处理,并对结果进行了讨论。研究结果如下: (1)本研究所编制的高校班干部班级管理默会知识问卷具有较好的信度和效度; (2)默会知识的内容包含3个维度,分别是管理自我、管理任务和管理他人; (3)高校班干部的实践智力与智力之间具有中等的相关关系; (4)高校班干部的实践智力、智力和人格与班级管理绩效之间均有显著的正相关: (5)高校班干部的实践智力和智力均是班级管理绩效的显著预测源,两者的预测效应不同,实践智力对班级管理绩效的预测力明显大于智力的预测作用。
[Abstract]:There are often phenomena in life: some people do well in school, but they do not do well in dealing with their daily problems at work. Some people do not do very well in their studies. The main reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the academic and non-academic environments have different demands on intelligence or ability structure. This phenomenon has caused the academic circles to rethink the traditional intelligence theory. In this context, Sternberg and others put forward the theory of practical intelligence, It makes up for the deficiency of traditional intelligence theory, points out the direction of studying the influence of intelligence on people's daily work, and the researchers have compiled some tests of practical intelligence. Based on the practical intelligence theory put forward by Sternberg et al and the tacit knowledge theory put forward by Wagner, this study compiled the class management tacit knowledge questionnaire of class cadres in colleges and universities in China. Then on the basis of studying the influencing factors of managers' performance, this paper examines the relationship between practical intelligence, intelligence, personality and class management performance of class cadres in colleges and universities. This paper discusses the predictive factors of class management performance and compares their contribution. This study mainly takes the junior class cadres of Shandong normal University as the subjects, and adopts the method of questionnaire to investigate the practical intelligence of the class cadres in colleges and universities. Intelligence and personality were measured, data were analyzed and processed using SPSS17.0 software, and the results were discussed. The results are as follows:. 1) the class management tacit knowledge questionnaire developed by this research has good reliability and validity; 2) the content of tacit knowledge includes three dimensions: managing self, managing task and managing others; (3) there is a moderate correlation between practical intelligence and intelligence of class cadres in colleges and universities; 4) the practical intelligence, intelligence and personality of class cadres in colleges and universities are positively correlated with class management performance. 5) the practical intelligence and intelligence of class cadres in colleges and universities are the significant predictors of class management performance. The predictive effects of the two are different, and the predictive power of practical intelligence to class management performance is obviously greater than that of intelligence.


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