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发布时间:2018-03-17 05:20

  本文选题:大学毕业生 切入点:失业 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国大学生数量的不断增加和全球经济发展的不确定性,使我国大学毕业生的就业形势依然很严峻。失业大学生作为大学生群体的一部分,具有较高的文化程度,有着广泛的信息源和较强的自我意识、批判精神。失业可能使他们陷入贫困等状态,,当失业大学生感受到的压力或不公平感加强,在一定条件下可能采取集体行动等导致社会风险的产生。因此,本文研究的主要目的在于建立一套针对失业大学生的社会风险预警指标体系,定量分析可能发生的社会风险的程度,以便更有针对性的采取措施保持社会稳定,帮助解决失业大学生的问题。 本文利用加值理论、动员理论等社会运动理论构建了大学毕业生失业派生社会风险预警指标体系,并采用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,最后利用模糊综合评价法对指标体系进行了应用,判断出大学毕业生失业派生社会风险目前处于轻警状态,但向中警靠拢的可能性较大。本文内容主要分为三个层次:第一层次主要为研究思路和立论基础部分;第二层次为论文主体研究部分,明确了构建预警指标体系的原则、依据和步骤,建立了大学毕业生失业派生社会风险预警指标体系的框架,包括6个准则层指标、30个操作层指标,并明确了各指标的涵义和权重;随后对构建的指标体系进行了应用,通过查找各个预警指标数据,利用模糊综合评价法对大学毕业生失业派生社会风险进行评价,为了解失业大学生的状态和社会稳定状况提供相对科学的依据;第三层次为对策建议和结语部分,通过设计指标设计维护系统、指标信息采集系统、指标数据分析系统和风险控制应对系统四个管理系统组成大学毕业生失业派生社会风险预警指标管理机制,加强预警指标体系的管理,最后为本文的结语及有待进一步深入研究的方面。
[Abstract]:With the increasing number of college students and the uncertainty of the global economic development, the employment situation of college graduates in China is still very serious. As a part of the college students, unemployed college students have a higher education level. With a wide range of sources of information and a strong sense of self-awareness, critical spirit. Unemployment may lead them into a state of poverty, etc., when the pressure or sense of injustice felt by unemployed college students is strengthened. Under certain conditions, collective action may lead to social risk. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to establish a set of social risk warning index system for unemployed college students. Quantitative analysis of the extent of possible social risks in order to take more targeted measures to maintain social stability and help solve the problem of unemployed college students. In this paper, using the theory of added value and the theory of social movement such as mobilization theory, this paper constructs the early warning index system of social risk derived from unemployment of college graduates, and determines the weight of each index by using the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Finally, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to apply the index system to judge that the social risk derived from the unemployment of college graduates is in the state of light warning at present. The content of this paper is divided into three levels: the first level is the research idea and the basic part of the argument, the second level is the main research part of the paper, the principle of constructing the early warning index system is clear. According to the steps and steps, the paper establishes the framework of the early warning index system of social risk derived from unemployment of college graduates, including 6 criteria and 30 operational indicators, and clarifies the meaning and weight of each index. Then the index system is applied to evaluate the social risk derived from the unemployment of college graduates by looking up the early warning index data and using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. In order to understand the status of unemployed college students and social stability to provide a relatively scientific basis; the third level for the countermeasures and suggestions and the conclusion part, through the design of indicators to design maintenance system, index information collection system, The index data analysis system and the risk control response system constitute the early warning index management mechanism of the social risk derived from the unemployment of college graduates, and strengthen the management of the early warning index system. The last part is the conclusion of this paper and the aspects to be further studied.


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