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发布时间:2018-03-18 12:11

  本文选题:高校“去行政化” 切入点:政策议程 出处:《首都师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》(公开征求意见稿)以及《纲要》中出台的相关高校“去行政化”规定,高校“去行政化”成为高等教育界呼声很高的改革热点;加之大众媒体尤其是互联网的广泛传播,高校“去行政化”可谓是炙手可热。 本文侧重于对高校“去行政化”的舆论解读。根据舆论主体,大致可分为官方舆论、媒介舆论和公众舆论,而这恰好契合了议程设置理论中的政策议程、媒介议程、公众议程。因此,本文利用议程设置理论分析高校“去行政化”上升为政策议程、呈现于媒介议程、讨论于公众议程的形成、发展过程以及背后的原因,希望为提高教育政策的民主性、科学性及公众认同感带来思考启发意义。主要分为以下儿个部分: 第一,高校“去行政化”的政策议程。主要界定了政策议程,对高校“去行政化”由系统议程发展到政府议程进而上升为政策议程予以解读,而领导讲话文本在高校“去行政化”成为正式议程这一战略行动中起到核心作用。 第二,高校“去行政化”的媒介议程。首先对媒介议程以及媒介样本的选择作了简要的说明。其次,通过内容分析法和话语分析法、定量和定性相结合,具体分析高校“去行政化”的新闻舆论,以此探究大众媒介持有的基本观点、关注的焦点问题及舆论导向。 第三,高校“去行政化”的公众议程。同样是先对公众议程作一个界定,然后探讨网络中公众的自我议程设置,最后,通过“大学现在该不该去行政化”这一网络论战,来例证公众在网络中对高校“去行政化”议题的设置。 透过议程设置理论的视角发现,高校“去行政化”议题走热,是政策议程、媒介议程和公众议程三者相互作用、合力的结果。舆论背后的根本原因是高校公共性危机的出现,高校“去行政化”舆论不绝于耳昭示着高校管理体制改革迫在眉睫。
[Abstract]:Along with "the national medium and long term education reform and the development plan outline 2010-2020)" (open solicits the opinion draft) and "the outline" in the related universities "deadministrates" the stipulation, the university "deadministrates" the reform hot spot which becomes the higher education circles very high voice; With the wide spread of mass media, especially the Internet, the deadministration of colleges and universities can be described as hot. According to the main body of public opinion, it can be roughly divided into official public opinion, media public opinion and public opinion, which coincides with the policy agenda and media agenda in agenda setting theory. Therefore, this paper uses the agenda setting theory to analyze the rise of "deadministration" in colleges and universities to the policy agenda, which is presented in the media agenda, and discusses the formation, development process and the reasons behind the public agenda. It is hoped that in order to improve the democratic, scientific and public identity of education policy, it will bring enlightenment to the thinking. It is mainly divided into the following parts:. First, the policy agenda of "de-administration" in colleges and universities. It mainly defines the policy agenda, and interprets the policy agenda from the systematic agenda to the government agenda and then to the policy agenda. The text of the leader's speech plays a central role in the strategic action of "deadministrating" as a formal agenda. Second, the media agenda of "deadministrative" in colleges and universities. Firstly, it gives a brief explanation of the media agenda and media sample selection. Secondly, through content analysis and discourse analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis are combined. This paper analyzes the news public opinion of "deadministrative" in colleges and universities, and probes into the basic viewpoint, the focus and the direction of public opinion held by the mass media. Third, the public agenda of "deadministrative" in colleges and universities. It also defines the public agenda first, then probes into the setting of the public's self-agenda in the network. Finally, through the online debate "should the university be deadministrated now," To illustrate the public in the network of the "deadministrative" issue of the setting. From the perspective of agenda setting theory, it is found that the hot issue of "deadministrative" in colleges and universities is the result of the interaction of policy agenda, media agenda and public agenda. The fundamental reason behind public opinion is the emergence of public crisis in colleges and universities. The public opinion of "deadministration" in colleges and universities shows that the reform of university management system is urgent.


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